gets philosophical:
I'm never tired of looking at the patterns that whitefont makes in a post. It's like patterns of clouds, only with words, and wind doesn't change them. And there are shapes that you can see in them, I guess, from a distance, but there's also the extra layer of the visible words.
Inside every cloud there's a spoiler lining?
Sue, in Firefly:
They say that somebody's "ankled" when they've walked out of or away from something.
In my head, it gets conflated with "ankle-biters," so I always get these mental images of people trying to flee with tiny entertainment executives holding on to their legs and chomping down with all their might.
edited because while the conversation was about a post that also quoted Adam Baldwin, he didn't actually say or write anything in this post, that I know of.
, in Natter, on unfriendly Microsoft programs:
It refuses to have a table of contents in Hebrew, no matter what I do.
Listen, do you hear? That is the sound of ultimate suffering. Movie character's heart made that sound when Big Bads slaughtered their fathers. The student who fights the Word program in Hebrew makes it now.
reacting to the phrase "As long as it's a reasonable decision on the part of the studio executives":
I can actually see the words "reasonable decision" vehemently struggling to break free from the same sentence as "studio executives."
Betsy, I liked the later part of the ceramics discussion.
JZ, upon accidentally breaking a fancy bowl from Hec's first marriage:
drove it to its death with my silent resentment
Connie Neil:
silently the bowl dressed in its most formal robes, bowed to the spirits of bowls gone before, then took its place on the shelf, calm and resigned, awaiting the moment when its time on this plane would be ended ...
The humans were out of sight, but the bowl knew they could come back any minute. He must make it to the edge and save the kid. Or die trying...
Tell the platter I... I figured it out. And I'm okay. Give my love to my soup bowls. You have to take care of them now -- you have to take care of each other. You have to be strong. The hardest thing in this world is to bear food in it. Be brave. Serve. For me.
Well, it was a gift, after all.
This clay... It's Wedgewood clay...
Hec's Fancy Bowl.
It served a lot.