In Natter...
And how are the snephews, Tommyrot?
They are doing swell. The oldest just started 1st grade - before starting 1st grade he was already reading at a second-grade level. The youngest is a curious little bugger.
First grade already? Wow.
I remember when he was just a baby and his brother was just quality time with a Playboy in a van behind the Sizzler. ::sniff sniff:: They grow up so fast.
From the
topic, where we digressed to discussing what insects would be present on a South Pacific island:
Bees are like ants and beetles, a really popular bug design that you can find damn near world-wide.
Bugs, the original open source bio-engineering project!
Dweebs on Patrol II: Return of the Dweebs,
in Buffistechnology after I remember what a capacitor is:
So P-C, now you're only one step away from understanding flux capacitors.
And from there you're just a hop, skip, and a jump from tachyon technology.
Daniel C. Jensen:
Then you can reverse the poleron flux and change the dynamics of the matrix.
You'll need to reconfigure the deflector shields to do that.
In Bitches:
Asscap Hussy.
Boys don't make passes at girls who CAP ASSES.
Friday at work. Do any of these Swiss understand that Sunday is Halloween, a day when frock coats are worn in all seriousness, in order to loom over small candy supplicants?
Do they understand that today is a day of frivolity, a day when due-dates are forgiven until Monday, that today is a day when translating impenetrable German specifications for software into impenetrable English can wait a few fucking days?
The clocks are cute, though.
Thanks to the Wire, "ass cap" feels kind of sinister to me.Because if your package is short, your ass gets capped. There might be capitals, but they're mostly monosyllables, I'm guessing.
So? What happened to the cabana boys? I don't see any semi-naked boys prancing around the thread, here! Bring on the boys! Besides, I need a Mai-Tai. Make those slackers work for their tips.
Can I have a cabana girl instead? Is there even such a thing?
I was just changing into something more comfortable when Kara got out of bed and burst into my room. "AAGH! You're NAKED!"
"Yes, I am! I'm changing, is that okay with you?"
"NO! You're NAKED!"
"YES, I am, and if you were in bed you wouldn't see it!"
She leaves, chanting: "Naked naked nakED, naked Naked nakED"
ION, I found sheets for Nick's wall for 3.99 each! My evil plot continues apace.
Damnit, Deena. I asked for a naked cabana
But, you could go make P-C happy.
She already did, by using the word "apace."
[First two posts slightly out of order, so that I didn't have to include 50 less funny posts, in order to keep the thought-flow. What? It's a thing. Thought-flow. Really.]