They were very concerned that they find this "up and coming" community, and for some reason seemed to think that I had the key to it.
My first thought on reading 'up and coming' was, "I bet this is what they call Viagra in Japan."
Gus, in Natter, brings birthday cheer:
Sweeps up Trudy and carries her into the Virtual Boudoir with the express intention of inventing an entirely new sin. The sin will be known as The Trudy Sin, in honor of it having been invented on her birthday.
And Cindy in Bitches, prepares her story for the case worker:
When Ben was brand new, I was feeding him one day, and Days came on the TV. When the theme music started, and MacDonald Carey started with the, "Like sands through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives..." voice over, he turned his little head right towards the TV. He did this consistently thereafter, so I know it wasn't a fluke. He was transfixed by it. When he was X months old, we got him a toy hour glass rattle (very simple, and shaped exactly like an hourglass). He couldn't say his "D" sounds--they came out as "G" sounds. He would grab it, and screech, "Gays of our Wives. Gays of our WIIIIIIIIVES!"
Cindy's on a roll today. In Natter:
tommyrot: Kissing her was nice and exciting. But what really caused the shock and awe was the first time she put her hand down my pants - because I wasn't expecting it.
Cindy: Nobody expects the Pantish Inquisition.
The only issue I personally take with costuming is when it's inappropriate for the place in question (Klingons at a Renessaince Faire, for instance.)
The importance of Klingons to the Renaissance has been tragically ignored.
They did write Hamlet, after all.
Sometimes it's the most randome things that just crack me right the hell up. Allyson in Firefly ...
I balk. This is me balking. I am a Balkan.
Nicole in Bitches, ornamenting Tuesday as a crap day:
My ex and Bush are both in town today. This has to be a sign of the Apocalypse, right?
My alarm clock confused me this morning.
First thing in the morning, air confuses me. I consider it a victory to be able to find the floor with my feet.
I have to constantly remind people to spell my name the biblical way. Because, "Debra"? I am not an emerging daughter of the sun god, yo.
My mom goes through the same thing with people who insist on spelling her name "Sara." Some people are actually happy to have old-fashioned names, Kymburli!