I was out of the province for my cat's annoying kitten phase (he used to be my brother's cat) but I know that he once jumped off the top of a cupboard onto the (bald) head of my mother's then-boyfriend, all claws extended. This gave him the opportunity to see what flying feels like.
(This is even funnier if you hear her voice when you read it. It's such a Ouise thing to say.)
Madrigal, on a potential F2F activity:
Aw, come on. A love of spitting is what has inspired centuries of American development. Why did we build the skyscrapers, so we'd have something to spit down from. Why did we build the car, the airplane, for the joy of spitting while traveling quickly or from a great height. Even the Statue of Liberty was given to us by the French because they figured that as long as Americans were going to be hocking up loogeys, they might as well do it off something beautiful and inspirational. Why did the Russians beat us in space flight? 'Cause you can't spit out of a space craft.
Clovis the Devilbunny,
in F2F
clovis going to disneyland.
mouse will fall. use tomorrow world as new base of operations.
Clovis is a Buffista now?
Either we win, or...
I just sucked Bitches.
t Super Porny Pants sleeps well tonight.
Ginger in Buffy -- spoilerly:
I’m going to be sappy, because I’m drinking the small batch bourbon I bought for the occasion, because I have watched every single show since the first season, and because this seems to be the place to do it. I’m not one of these Johnny-come-latelys to Buffy. Joss Whedon had me at "I see you’ve seen the softer side of Sears." I was caught by the snark but stayed … for what? Mostly because Buffy, more often than not, met what I think of as the criteria for great writing -– the definition in William Faulkner’s Nobel Prize speech:
I decline to accept the end of man.... I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. The poet's, the writer's, duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. The poet's voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail.
Ave atque vale, Buffy.
msbelle, in Buffy, non-spoilery (and again proof that msbelle posting drunk is possibly the funniest thing on the planet):
peopleneed to fucking DIE!
Also,I'm druink,so forgive the typing. Sommervillians are awewsome!
Spoilery for Buffy, yet so very quotable.
Laura: Well, [Spike] was dead before last night, and yet hot.
amych: Also true. Really, the only difference is that "hot" now includes the special added "bursting into flames" meaning.
Yes, Virginia, Bitch compliments are a little different:
Hec, in Bitches:
Thank you and welcome back[Elena].We've missed you. Ok, sometimes when we want to play Hunter S. Thompson and toy with the synergistic effects of multiple drugs and make sure we won't be brain dead, but also your warm, witty, gracious, and talented self.
Beth, that's not really spoilery unless people still don't know the show is going off the air.