Because I love the graceful way he takes it:
connie neil: So, Wolfram, a career synonym for lawyer is monkey pimp? It explains so much.
Wolfram: Now
going on my next business card. If you'll excuse me, I have to go corrupt some stray monkeys now.
A little further down in the same conversation:
Jess PMoon: NO MORE FUCKING MONKEYS. And I mean that in every way possible.
Wolfram: Hey, a guy's gotta make a living. Sheesh.
Gus, my secret boyfriend, but not my favourite (yet):
And some of you language purists would probably take exception to my beginning a sentence with a coordinating conjunction. Nor should you pass over this egregious abuse of the language. For it is hideous. Yet I have done so. Or so it seems.
F2F Planning,
explaining LA weather:
Sometimes, it is really friggin hot, here, and you'll wish you could pull off your own skin to be even more naked.
Sometimes, it's so cold here, you might lose your mind and go Donner Party on your roommate instead of raiding the mini-bar.
Sometimes, it is alternately freezing ass cold, and hell's bowels hot, all on the same day.
Occasionally, it rains toads. Also, there are driveby shootings, so wear a bulletproof vest, as well. But make sure it's not flammable in case something explodes. And it should be waterproof, in case it mysteriously hails water balloons.
And then there are earthquakes, wildfires, and mudslides.
We have weather. But mostly, it's 72 degrees and sunny.
I miss Massachusetts.
amych in Buffy (context be damned):
Yeah, right, who'd believe that? That's the kind of thing that only happens on the WB....
Maybe it's only COMM material if you're a James fan like me:
amych -- I just got viagra spam from Henry James. The world does not contain enough caffeine to enable me to count the ways in which that's just wrong.
An example of the above Jamesian Viagra spam, per
Angus G.
Has the décor of your amorous liaisons been suffering the dolorous lack of that which, were it to spring unbidden to life, as of old, would furnish it with the stiff rod of durance?
Angus Gordon continues on his roll in Un-Americans:
Yeah, as far as I'm concerned it's not a historical reality show until people start exhibiting symptoms of diseases common to the period in question.