In Angel:
Jilli VoiceOfReason: (See, Ple and I know balzacq, and therefore get to make comments like that.)
P.M. Marcontell: (Yes, Jilli does make a good point.)
Betsy Hanes Perry: (Hey, quit bogarting the parentheses! There might be a shortage!)
Jess PMoon: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((mine, all mine!))))))))))))))))))))))))
Betsy Hanes Perry: ((((((((((((((((((running to the grocery store to buy milk, bread and parentheses))))))))))))))
Gleebo, going all stream o' conscious over in Firefly:
I dont care how Firefly comes back. It could be on milk cartons for all I care.
Realizing that television Firefly is not an option.
But when I become king of the world im bringing it back, and making it a legal offense to not watch Firefly.
Also when I become king of the world I am going to add 2 extra months to the year, Febtober and Smarch. Also one extra day of the week being Febturday.
NO businesses can be open on Febturday, except Wal-Marts.
Shawn leans in, takes the shot and Yes, she scores:
I faced down the very maw of nature. Her gales whipped around my hunched form, a small black figure against the white city. Her piles of snow threatened to still my step. The hush of the deserted streets almost made me turn back. But I strode on! I pushed my booted feet into those inches of powder. I faced the wind and I defeated my prey. I have returned TRIUMPHANT, having speared my chicken sandwich and chocolate mousse torte. I shall now pass into legend!
UnAmericans discussing Brideshead Revisited:
Angus: Is that your usual getup as you take your morning constitutional on the village green, Jim?
Jim: No, but when Alyosius and I go punting, I usually go for bags and a jumper. One of the advantages of living in Oxford, don't you know.
evil jimi: That is so gay.
Jim: For fuck's sake, you illiterates, Aloysius is a teddy bear . You'll be telling me Sebastian and Charles were lovers next!
Am-Chau: You mean they weren't?
Jim: Not in the text. Of course, in your depraved slash-world the fact that a pair of effete men swan around oxford all day feeding each other strawberries and swapping silk shirts means they must be making the best with one back and a peculiar-shaped middle, but that's just speculation...
I can hardly feel sorry for Fay's NGA status when she could boink her away across the continental United States and get room and board in the bargain.
Airport Bloke: "Reason for travel?"
Me: "I'm writing a book. It's called
"Travels with my cunt"
and it's all about my whacky adventures travelling around the US with nothing but my wits and tits to guide me, and only my back to fall back on.
Airport Bloke: "!!!!"
Me: "Perhaps you've heard of the
"Let's Go"
guidebooks? I'm working for a less well known publisher. Our line of travel books is called
"Let's Come."
....I'm not wearing any knickers, by the way. I was wondering whether you could suggest somewhere that a lone Englishwoman might be able to stay the night? For free?...."
I had reproduced the italics and everything....
t weeps into her orange juice
Elana's Husband in Natter: Fresh mint is the way to go. Plus, crushing it in your hands leaves a nice smell. Of course, sniffing your hands in public can be percieved as a bad thing...