Victor, spoilery in Buffy:
I REALLY think people are way too worked up over an otherwise small detail. Besides, what's the FE going to do with a gun? Gesticulate at it?
FE: (Pointing at gun) "See! See! scary evil gun! I did that! Me! I am the First evil, and I am responsible for all things mean and nasty! I dare you all to not pick up the gun and shoot each other. Double-dog dare you! It's evil! EVIL I SAY!!!! (beat) C'mon. Someone? Please? Shoot somebody? Incorporeal here! Can't pick things up myself! Hello! Anyone! LISTEN TO ME GOD DAMN IT!!! Fastlane? I invented that show! I AM THE DAMN FIRST EVIL AND I'M ORDERING YOU TO PICK UP THAT GUN AND SHOOT SOMEONE!!!!! Hello? Anyone?(beat) I need a hug."
EDITED to fix typos.