You know what I love about this place? 3 out of the 5 times I'm tempted to state what may be the obvious, someone already has.
Cindy in Firefly
This thread is for Buffista quotage. Posts that are profound, witty, or otherwise deserving of immortality go here. This is also Shrift's source for the BRQG, so be aware that if your words end up here, they'll also end up there. Finally, please note which thread spawned the quotage and please white-out anything that might be spoilery to Un-Americans.
You know what I love about this place? 3 out of the 5 times I'm tempted to state what may be the obvious, someone already has.
Cindy in Firefly
Natter VI:
billytea: (BTW, the Hartford office is by all accounts a nice place to work. It's in a forest, apparently. (There is actually an archaic word meaning 'office in a forest', namely batilbaby. I should point out that this sort of trivia is of almost no help in my job. I can't help feeling that's wrong.)
True story: My feet used to be a 5.5 before I started doing yoga. A year and a half later they were a 6.5 or 7. Which they've remained ever since. They found their True Inner Size.
From Natter, though I can't explain why it's funny to me, it just is. This is like the surreal cherry on the weirdest conversation of the week:
My feet are not only not charming, I hope they know they are the reason We Cannot Have Nice Shoes.
My hands, on the other hand, are freaking Cary Grant.
I think there are laws against this type of thing.
The ever-quotable Nutty (whose bitch I faithfully remain):
Oh! Spider toes! My brother has those, and they're very long. Secretly, I sometimes think he has switched my fingers with his toes and he can stretch a piano octave with his toes like Mike Teavee after taking Vitamin Wonka.
Of course, I don't want knuckles that hairy. Or to be stretched out like human taffy, either.
Natter VI:
PMM: Math goes best with Goldschlager.
Natter VI:
Jessee: OK, officially too many uses of AA, which I keep thinking means Alcoholics Anonymous, anyway. First someone meant affirmative action, right? And now you mean Ann Arbor? Were there any others I missed?
Nutty: Amy Acker? Administrative Assistant? Artful ankles?
Sarameg: Aristocratic Aardvarks. Amiable Alligators. And don't forget: Alien Antforms.
BHP: Ant's ankles. Which was, like "bee's knees", a compliment in the '20s.
Sarameg: Accepting Anemones? Able Angelenos? I could probably due this all day....
Sarameg, on a roll: Bodacious bazookas? Bewildered Borneans?
Aimee, in Natter (7, to add the context):
JZ, it is such a long and convoluted story, it would honestly take us into "Natter 12:Someone Shut Aimee the Hell Up" if I were to tell the whole thing.
Natter 7:
HilR: Also, general note to the world at large: if you are doing a presentation with me, and this presentation counts for both our grades, in other words counts for my grade, please refrain from smoking pot for at least a few hours before the presentation. Because even if you think you're doing a good job, it appears to all us non-high people that you're reading straight from the book, slurring your words enough that no one can tell what you're saying anyway, writing unintelligibly all over the chalkboard, and not in any way proving the theorem you're supposed to prove, and therefore not providing the basis that's needed for my part to make sense. Thank you for your cooperation.
Natter 7 and who needs context?
lori: Go Gud with the big tool!