MechaKrelboyne, from Dude:
If you know anyone who's having Hobbit Identification problems (But not the Kind where they're checking their own feet, which I can't help with), then here's how.
If the hobbit you're looking at onscreen at any given moment has figured out what's going on around them, it's more likely than not Frodo.
If the hobbit is figuring out what's going on this very second as you watch, you're looking at Merry.
If you're looking at a clueless hobbit, you're looking at Pippen.
If he's carrying pots, he's Sam.
Matt the Bruins Fan in Previously:
Maybe previously insecurities were mitigated by (Angel) thinking "I could do that (fight) as well as she (Buffy) does if proper grooming without use of mirrors didn't eat up so much of my time"?
In Buffy (nonspoilery for this season):
Betsy: But, yet again, what's his [Spike's] selfish interest in helping Dawn resurrect her mother? He knows it's a bad idea, he knows Buffy will hate it, but he helps Dawn anyway?
Justkim: With any luck Dawn will spout non-event-specific praise about him to Buffy, who will then fall madly in love with him for being so caring and supportive of her little sister.
Dana: And not mind that he helped bring back her mother as a shuffling zombie? I know he's not good at long-term thinking, but...
I once sat next to someone on a plane who spent the entire flight highlighting passages in their Bible.
Once they got a look at me (black velvet dress, top hat, small fanged rabbit), they edged away as far
as possible, and would occasionally highlight something in a determined manner, then glance over.
My car needs its own hanky code.
Was rear-ended twice in the last three days.
connie, merrily misunderstanding Dana in Bitches:
You're slashing a gospel group? Extra Special Hell.