I for one am the product of warm summery nookie. Although the appearance of all my other siblings were definitely motivated by exorbitant heating costs.
I'd rather drive in DC than Boston.
Matt tBF:
In contemplating just where there might be a worse place to drive than Boston, it occurred to me that we know the roads to Hell are paved, putting them one up on much of Beacon Hill.
Madrigal the Ineffable in Natter:
How many Law & Order shows are there now anyway? At any minute I expect to see ads for "Law & Order: Crime Scene Clean-Up" or "Law & Order: A Bunch of Guys Doing Stuff" or even "Law & Order: Co-Ed Naked Gerbils"
Madrigal the Ineffable in Natter:
You cannot Eff her! Don't even try!
You cannot Eff her! Don't even try!
On the Faith board I used to visit, we had a Baptist theology student who had as his tagline "Effing the ineffable".
It took some restraint not to say anything. To him, anyway. (So I'm human.)
So this isn't like the "F Wolverine" thing people were posting about in one of the threads a couple days ago?
It took some restraint not to say anything. To him, anyway. (So I'm human.
What? I thought it was clever. If kind of annoying. But still clever.
So this isn't like the "F Wolverine" thing people were posting about in one of the threads a couple days ago?
that mean?
RL, F Wolverine is always, always, always the correct answer in a game of Fuck, Chuck, or Marry. Even if Wolverine isn't one of the choices.
So this isn't like the "F Wolverine" thing people were posting about in one of the threads a couple days ago?
Heh. To everyone but him.
F Wolverine
Gives an (ouch) totally new meaning to "I'd trim my nails for her".