Kat: BTW, I forgot to mention, Aimee was mean to me and wouldn't let me have any sorbet.
Miracleman: She's like that. Lemme tell you a story...
Though Michigan is renowned for having many wolverines, in all actuality there are very few, especially down in the Lower Peninsula. But one winter day, I was walking through the woods behind my grandparents' house in the northern Lower Peninsula, when I stumbled on one.
This wolverine, a female I think, was as long as I was tall. And, at 15 years of age, I was fairly tall...5'11 or so. Its fangs were as long as my thumbs, and its eyes glowed with a desperate feral rage.
It had a litter, see. And some bastard hunter had shot it and it was wounded. And I'd stumbled across its den so it felt cornered. I saw Death himself leering at me from a nearby hillock, dangling an hourglass and managing to convey through rather concise gesturing that, for me and Death, it was "go time".
Well, I managed to escape, mainly by peeing myself and shrieking like a little girl, which I think mainly embarassed the wolverine, but cracked Death up like nothing else. And I ran home and sobbed and wiped snot on my jacket sleeve and hoped like hell I had a clean pair of underwear.
But that experience does not compare to the sheer unadulterated heart-stopping terror of trying to sneak a spoonful of Aimee's sorbet.
The first person in that exchange is Kat, I believe.
I'm the straight man, saying why I love BtVS so much:
Other shows have humour, romance, drama, heart-wrenching sadness and so on, but it's normally "one of the above", not all -- I don't know any other show where they're all together in the one place.
Wheel of Fortune.
From Firefly, non-spoilery:
Madrigal (I think):
I have a sinking suspicion that the Jossling has been named William, 'cause Joss does seem the type to willingly name a child Will Whedon.
Side note: in my section at work, 60% of all the employees (including me) are called Bill. It's like Joss is scripting my office. Each day I go to work in the knowledge that one of us could die at any time.
I think that was amyth.
t scoffs
They all've got lower-case names that start with "a". What do you
of me?
In Previously,
Don't you know that there is no such thing as a rhetorical question on this board?
t Fighting back urge to answer this...
More from the Wheel of Fortune arc in Previously:
meara -
So, wait, in Australia, someone from a Trollope novel hosts Wheel of Fortune?? Good LORD, people!
Wait, does that mean other fictional characters exist down there too? <considers buying ticket to go ambush a few favorites...>
Angus G -
Not only that meara, all our puzzles are titles of Victorian novels. We're very educated here...well, all except the contestant who once had to buy a vowel for "M_DDL_M_RCH".