Shawn, being persuasive, in Natter:
Santa is old and white. His employees are all male, and his wife stays at home. He retains a ridiculous amount of his own holdings to distribute as he wishes. His existence depends on a magical and overly optimistic notion of the laws of physics and private giving. His charity to the young of the world mostly depends on whether or not they are Christian, and if the rest of the year they are good or bad people. Despite the myth that Santa treats everyone equally, empirically we all know that the richest kids fare the best with Santa.
Santa is Republican.
Laura, in Buffy (not spoily)
I am completely comfortable with the level of obsession that allows me to watch and post tonight despite having already watched the episode twice yesterday.
My children know that life is more pleasant if mom is not disturbed during Buffy. They will be home from soccer practice about 8:30 and will quietly bathe and change for bed. Or else.
In Natter:
Santa is Republican.
CASHMERE: I'm going to make sure my kids don't believe in them, either.
I didn't realize when I read this thread that erikaj's
It's crap, but it lasts forever. It's the American way.
was in reference to Twinkies until I ran across it in Natter. Then there was this from billytea:
I do so love that the only consumer products not designed these days to need replacing just after the warranty expires are the foodstuffs.
in Buffy 2 (spoilery):
I'm having the same problem that Vezzini thought Westley would have during the iocane powder goblet incident. I want to believe that suggesting Giles is dead/FE-controlled is obvious enough to be a mislead, but then I think ME knows that I would think that it's a mislead and make it not a mislead... Lather, rinse, repeat.