Nice catch. Thanks, it was in my LJ post as well. Had to remove another word to keep it at 100, but that was not a problem, luckily.
'Out Of Gas'
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Excellent drabbles. Must resist temptation to drabble about Cavaliers, now.ETA: I *hate* when they're so insistent about the 100 words. Cause Munch talks too much and goes over, like he resists on principle. Rules. I don't need no stinkin' rules.;)
Because I suck at resisting temptation.
Transportation, Homicide-style.
Pembleton knows he can find that car.Writing stuff down is the province of(much) lesser mortals. He doesn’t have the time or the need for it. An instrument of justice doesn’t do paperwork. Annoying Felton is so much gravy. He needs for his mind to be the finely honed instrument he knows it is. And if he couldn’t be slicker than Beau, it ‘s time to eat his gun right now. He can feel it, the low-level electricity that invades him in the Box. He’s close. “There’s blood in the water!”
“ Hey, Kay, could you give me a ride to liquor awareness class?” These guys and their car problems. Sometimes Kay feels tempted to say “Ask Beth. Ask Felicia.” Or any of the other real women that they bitch about and then catch her watching and say “Not *you*, Kay.” But, no, they ask good old Detective Howard. Kay knows you put money and time into a car. Keep up with the oil changes, watch the fluids, rotate the tires. Mechanics don’t bullshit Kay. More than once. She’s not sure if it’s cause she can talk her way around an engine or because she just happens to wear her gun when she comes in. Either way she notices they come to an understanding real fast. Munchkin, now, he’s a smart guy, great detective, but kind of a flake. And teaching him about liquor is...what do you call it, redundant.
This week's Open on Sunday challenge is "telling a secret".
In This World of Dream (Illyria POV)
I have come to accept the needs of this fragile shell; I must take in nutrition, I lust after the sexual essence of others, and I must replenish this body with sleep.
I knew nothing of dream. At first, there was confusion, fragments, bits of longing and destiny and history.
Tonight, Fred came to me. As I am myself, I swear it: she was real, breathing, in a shell identical to that which I now inhabit. And she spoke to me.
"Here's a secret," she whispered, as I stared. "Wesley loved me. Now he loves you."
And I woke, weeping.
Good. Sad. And of course, inspiring.(I wrote, again, about the bloodiest romantic gesture ever...just obsessed with that shooting.)
A million times he thinks he’ll tell her. But it’s not like you can just blurt out in the coffee room “Hey, Howard, you’re welcome.”
And she’d give him her puzzled face, which he kind of admires. “What? You bought lunch. hero.”
And his imaginings always stop before he can say” No. Cause I blew Gordon Pratt’s brains out. You can be sure you’re safe now.”
Sometimes she cries. Sometimes she slaps his face. One horrible night, he dreamed she made him turn himself in to Gee and Timmy. And he went, because even in his dreams, she erodes his will. And then, there was that other beautiful night when...well, you can imagine.
Even the terror of Jessup pales next to that thought. But she’s got Chilton right now and every once in a while mutters “Men!” in a dark way that makes John fear for the permanence of certain much-beloved features of his anatomy. Maybe, Munchkin, you’ll keep your big mouth shut.
Seriously, guys, I wonder if I won't be happy unless the LOML(Love of My Life) brings me an enemy's...ear on a chain, because I keep coming back to the Pratt thing. What's that about? "My god, he blew his head off for her. Sniff. So romantic." There are things wrong with me. Scary things.
erika, there's something tasty and dark about vengeance. I always wondered if, somewhere, I found it fascinating to write about because on some level, I felt helpless. But I don't; I just find the concept dark and dangerous, a kind of forbidden spicy.
In theory, that is, and in literature. In reality, I agree with the old saying about those who go out in search of vengeance needing to dig two graves.
And I guess it being Munch makes it fascinating because he was upset enough to drop out of his persona for a while.Not that I would know anything about deflecting the hard stuff with humor.
Nuh uh...I'm too well-actualized for it
. And of course, mindfucking Bayliss with "Do you trust me? If we work together, you have to trust me."I'm pretty sure years on the "mean streets" would tell him he could convince Tim he was a woman if he worked the right doubts hard enough.
I've started another crossover fic. Because it's wrong. It starts on [link]
I put the above Animal Planet story up on last night. I've had five feedbacks so far (all good). It amazes me what spawns big feedback and which doesn't. 90-page fics will go for ages without triggering anything.