That's very good, Elena. I like
Ah but a man never got a woman back
Not by begging on his knees
"What the hell does it take?! Why do you bitches torture me?!"
And it gives me an idea about what you could try: I read a challenge once which asked you to create a conversation in which Spike and Xander (or whoever) had a meaningful talk about thier relationship (whatever you like to think that is, but presumably involving Big Gay Sex) entierly in lines from the shows.
So it's quotes all the way. Could you do it?
I still think that's the greatest songfic I've ever read, Elena.
Connie - I love the hands. And the description of the chaos after the battle.
Am-Chau - rrrrowr. V. nice.
Elena - sniff Wow. Quite lovely.
Elena, now I'm earwormed with "I'm Your Man" (and...ummm...brainwormed with the movie
which is a connection that makes sense if you saw it).
Fic-related question w/r/t Buffy S7 (with some whitefonting to be polite):
proto-slayers' Watchers are presumably all dead, yes? Except Rona, who never had a Watcher.
*IF*, for the sake of argument and/or fanfic,
the FE was able to
get to Faith in jail and kill her, HOW would Buffy, Giles, et al., KNOW who was the next Slayer called? Would
she suddenly display heretofore undisplayed kick-ass fighting skills
Serious question. We who are about to fic salute you.
Wouldn't the "powerful seer" know? And if I were Buffy, I'd want that powerful seer on a plane to Sunnydale so we wouldn't have to wait for stupid phone calls.
Who's the "powerful seer"? Someone from the ryhming coven?
Oh, and thanks for the feedback. I'm trying to improve the bunny-proof fence around my brain, but Elena keeps picking the little furry monsters up and dropping them over. Must finish Vamp!Giles! Violence is coming, and violence is fun. To write.
If anyone has a spare pre-season7 Buffy bunny they want a good home for, I realise I need something to prevent me writing more Teletubbies tonight. Next fifteen minutes, this thread.
I got one: Oz/Angel. Doesn't have to be while they were both in Sunnydale; it could be Oz coming to LA, or anything.