I just like to pretend fanfic is art.
It's not???
'A Hole in the World'
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
I just like to pretend fanfic is art.
It's not???
Mine's not, always. But it's a good place for me to experiment, sometimes. Although I'm probably irritating the wife with three grafs of monologue.
Mine's not, always.
pfftth. t cue Dogbert's Paw Wave of Dismissal If any of it's art, yours is art. Works in progress are art.
Although I'm probably irritating the wife with three grafs of monologue.
Nope - it works in this context just fine, because monologue is the theme here. Cohesiveness of character? Good thing.
Thanks...it turned out heavier than expected.(Things with him in it frequently do...I use him for my Deep Thoughts often, I suppose.)
Well, you don't call him your Animunch for nothing, girlfriend. He's definitely your big screen projection TV.
I think I should be...maybe not afraid? But concerned, about that. So lighthearted and girlish of me.
Well, he'll do for now. But I'm going to be reallyo trulyo interested to see where you go from here...
I'm not creating some...bizarro Bush-Cheney deal, am I? Detective Munch shouldn't be afraid if I drink a glass of water?(although he has been awfully quiet on television of late.)
No, no - I meant, I expect that there's going to be a purely erika-based anima getting your words out at some point in the not too distant future.
And that the evolution is intensely interesting.