Oh, the slash won't be explicit; I find explicit sex descriptions boring beyond belief. It's just that even implied slash bugs some people, and this, well, it's Faith and Harmony.
But this won't be porno, particularly. Like Anya and Spike, it's more for solace, a little of that human touch.
Can't picture it, but I trust you.
And I hate reading sex that feels like gyno or urologist visit..
Haha. Harmony and Faith makes me laugh just as a possibility, so that's good.
As long as the 'ship in pairing is somehow established as realistic in context of the characters and the 'verse, I don't have a problem with any of them. But if you have Xander and Giles, say, suddenly decide to get naked together with no buildup, then I get annoyed.
Not quite my reasoning, erikaj, but it works for me. =)
I totally understand. Just wanted to put my bid in while my internet wife is distracted by her book.
ahem, erika, I gave Giles immortality. What have you given him lately?
This is true...sigh. Connie fixed his eyesight and gave him eternal life...I'm very good at the devoted protegee thing which I think he might like, but it is nothing, comparatively.(hanging head)
Oh, I imagine he'd be delighted to have a protegee, someone to nurture and mold and train.
Yeah, well, I gave him his own contemporary Slayer as a lover and the loss of his virginity, in "The Apprentice" and "The Pensioner." MINE, yo.