erika, those three are all superb, but for some reason I really fell for Megan Russert's. You did more to humanise that character in one drabble than Barry Levinson and the boys did for the entire time she was on the show.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Wow...I wondered if I could do it...girlfriend doesn't make it easy. I'd love to claim brilliance, but the short answer is, I tried. They didn't. It's like they all got together and said "You can make us put another woman on here, but we aren't going to write for her or anything. She's gonna be eye candy or bang Felton or catfight with Kay."Which was really a bad plan cause it made her stick out in a way that made people not like her(OK, me) I know.compared to the women that came later though, she looks like Vanessa Redgrave or somebody. Saying all that, on occasion, I have gotten the urge to write Russert/Giardello.And not only because there would be dramatic potential if, in addition to getting screwed out of the promotion by Megan...Gee got, well, screwed.
I always wondered if there was some genuine past-tense going on with those two...
Yeah...there's a chemistry, imo. (She had some of her best scenes with him...and any time you wonder who your friend dates, there's at least a little crushing.) But I don't need more fic to write and I'm not even sure there's an active archive anymore.ETA: Just thought of something. I have one thing in common with Buffy. Death is my gift.
Oh, Deb, you gave me goosebumps.
Erika, I'll catch up in your LJ soon, promise.
It's not going anywhere, and they're not related to Vamp!Munchkin. Except timespan, cause I'm obsessed with that shooting thing.
Erika, dear, the drabbles are magnificent. Not many people could humanise Russert in just that way, as your wife duly noted. By the way, do we have canon on where Gee's mum is from? Assuming he got his name from his father, his mother might have been from the African side of the Mediterranean, or possibly from just down the street, depending on where and when his parents met.
Also, your LJ photo is beautiful. It's a great smile. (Sorry I haven't been in lately; life is being, well, life. We're alive, but there hasn't been a lot of time for hanging out online.)
Aw...thanks. She doesn't give a person much to work with does she?But on the other hand, there's something kind of Zen about that, like painting a finished canvas white.((Karl)) cause you caught me on a very flirtatious week. I'd still like to see Kay give her the Sheppard treatment...that's not very nice is it?
Actually, Karl, it's canon(and I hear Howard's voice in my head saying "Here we go, playing the grand piano again,)"
She would not be over-patient with fandom. The Xander lied kerfuffle would look like
KAY: So, what? This Xander lied, five years ago? Everybody lies. At least he had a good reason,huh?
MUNCH: I wonder more when they tell the truth.And I did the horizontal bop with three vampires. Four counting Felicia.
KAY: C'mon. Aren't you being dramatic? They didn't suck your blood...never tell me.
MUNCH: Blood, life force, will to live...who's counting?
KAY: Christ, Munchkin, it's television...with a *stupid* name.
Mama Giardello was a hometown Balmer girl from the Robert Taylor Homes.
I've felt a little exposed putting that photo up. Glad you liked it.
She listens, narrowing her eyes at me from time to time, and doing that sexy pen-nibbling thing.”Huh.” she says, finally.
I had previously admired her ability to keep a calm exterior because, as you know by now, it’s an ability I do not possess. Now, I found it maddening as hell.” That’s it? Huh? I blow the lid off one of the biggest scandals of the new century and that’s what you say?”
“Without corroboration, I’m going with ‘Huh’. Remember, you saw a conspiracy in the return of red M&Ms. And, you’re not human.And you’re on their payroll. Maybe trying to protect your vamp girlfriend. And I know more than I want about that lady lawyer’s legs.Maybe you just wanna teach her a lesson, huh? You take rejection hard, Munchkin.”
“Could you not use “rejection” and “hard” in the same sentence? And I still think that candy thing is awfully convenient. Think about it, Kay. They wait almost a whole generation to bring them back. Why? Short memories, maybe?”
She gives me her “You’re unbelievable,” face. “That’s not a conspiracy...that’s what do you call”
I persist, though I don’t know why, maybe to wipe the cop look off her face. “Look at television and tell me there’s a difference.”
She shrugs. “OK, I’ll give you that much.But I still need evidence. Real evidence. And hopefully not a Ring.”
“God, Kay, not you too.”
“Hey, I was laid up. Had a lot of time to k...on my hands.”
”You know, that’s like a paean to militarism right? Fascism with furry toes.”
“ Hearing stuff like that almost makes me wish I’d let you suck my blood. It’d be less painful.”
“We could take care of that.”
“Jesus, Munch. I said almost. I should have gotten the car with the sunroof.”
”You know, that’s like a paean to militarism right? Fascism with furry toes.”
Munch! My BRUTHAH!