Thank you! I'm really happy with how it turned out.
And Erika, the story was called "Sorry About Your Memories" until the very last draft, when I decided it needed an artsier title. I really like the Harmony bit.
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Thank you! I'm really happy with how it turned out.
And Erika, the story was called "Sorry About Your Memories" until the very last draft, when I decided it needed an artsier title. I really like the Harmony bit.
The Harmony bit is definitely great. I think you got everyone's voices very well.
Deb, can't wait to read more of the Faith -- well, I can, but I'm enjoying the start.
I could see her trying to take this in, but instead she pulled out a rubber band and twisted her hair back. Uh oh, I’m not just talking to Kay, I’m talking to her 100% clearance rate.For a minute, I hesitate, like I should get my story straight, but this is one time when I’m telling the truth. “Four minutes. Then I’m getting Cordy out here. She’s got lungs like a car alarm and she thought you were disgusting before she ever knew you were a vampire.”
“Guess she’s not an art lover, Munchkin,” I swear I will not read anything into this little flash of levity. I won’t. I will take the earliest opportunity after foiling Wolfram and Hart to make my way to Marin and suck the life out of Brigitta jury would convict me. Could they? Would they have to empanel twelve vampires?That wouldn’t be easy by the time the vampires ate all of the officers of the court and took time out to schtup each other. But they are my peers now, I suppose...and the Constitution guarantees...and Howard tapping her foot impatiently put an end to these esoteric legal speculations.
” Four minutes.” She warns me.
“OK, once I get started could we stop with the time reports? They really mess with my narrative flow.”
“Flow with this...” Kay said, and shot me a gesture I never thought I’d be happy to see. But she has a beautiful middle digit...I’ve seen it many times and never appreciated its shapeliness.
“ And to think I was worried you’d get all centered and mellow on me...start eating organic seaweed. Start acting mature...”
“Well, as you probably know, Kay, Shakespeare said ‘Kill all the lawyers’.”
“Any further Shakespeare references will result in a one-minute penalty, huh? I wanna hear what you know, not some dead guy....” her voice breaks just a little.(if I hadn’t been looking at her from across the room for five years, I wouldn’t even notice, but she was the one thing in that hole worth looking at.)
“Some other dead guy.” And, that fast, whatever it is was gone. I want to tell it’s all right, it hardly hurt at all, but I have a role to play in this thing, and if I’m not Montel Williams I’m sure not Phil Donahue.
“You’re no fun,” I say, and smirk.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“If we did this in the rental car, it’d be like old times.”
”Why do you think we’re talking out here?”
So I tell her. Everything, minus my mental picture of her with her throat ripped out by Cujo...she doesn’t need to have that. I’ll take(another) one for the squad on that. But about Lindsey, Lilah, and Poppy, and the enchanted voting machines. About Lindsey’s(probably literal) hard-on for Angel, and his need for revenge.
erika, this is beginning to really smoke. Stuff building. He's doing the dirty on W&H?
He *wants* to. He also wanted to be Abbie Hoffman, once. And he did say "Till death do us part," three separate times, so I'm not sure wanting= getting.But they made a critical mistake, going after one of "his" people.
Yep. I'm seeing Munch layers here that make me extremely happy. I also like the odd tender streak Kay seems to be developing for Cordy.
Sunday drabble. The theme is food.
The Blood is the Life
“What are those?”
Buffy stared out at the grazing mules. It was cool, early evening, in the Sonoran desert. The mules seemed unaware of the small black objects greedily sucking blood from wounds on the mules’ legs.
“Desmodus rotundus.” Giles’ face was unreadable. “The common vampire bat. Has a natural anesthetic in their saliva; their prey doesn’t know it’s being drained.”
“Damn.” Buffy suddenly pictured Angel, Spike, their faces ridged with need, their eyes golden, unnatural incisors finding warm flesh. “I keep forgetting that blood can be food.”
“Well.” Giles turned back to the car. “Back to town for dinner?”
Even though they still drive each other crazy. Like all the people...well, the originals anyway, on the Homicide squad...they love each other, in many cases, even when they don't like each other. Beau and Kay do that.Munch and Stan definitely do that, and that is Frankentim in a nutshell. I like to mess around with Munchkin's softer, insert obligatory phallic reference here, and yet I think it's important to hide it too. Don't like Woobie!Munchkin who can be saved by the power of true gets on my nerves so much that I don't leave much feedback on Munchfic any more because it makes me want to rant like him.Although some of them are SVU fans that have never watched H:LOTS and yet have inexplicably fallen for Pod!Munchkin...MunchkinLite, 98% smut free. So I try to be kind to the afflicted.
And because, let's face it, I pretend to originality, but basically just follow Deb around going "Me too!"'s what "blood" made me think of. I've no idea why this moment fascinates me so...maybe the wiseass struck speechless?
He still can’t say the word "blood". He, who walks in it, works in it, waits for results and tests of it, and dreads it sometimes, in intimate moments(some of his women being most fearsome on their periods...the dark side of their passion, he reminds himself) He can’t force that simple syllable past his lips. He can’t face it. Next week, he’ll buy another pair of shoes. He looks at the spot...that spot, and can’t believe that so much of his world could be in something so small. He thought it would look different than the others, but it doesn’t.
My drabbles are always Munch or Kay. Maybe cause a Frank or Tim thought is, guaranteed gonna take more than 100 words?
He looks at the spot...that spot, and can’t believe that so much of his world could be in something so small.