OK, gotta go. It was great to visit this thread - wish I had more time to read around here!
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Right. Pi touched on some of the same concepts, turning it into a code-hacking tool on the Torah, though the number of possible permutations that the Torah must have, is well, lots. The perfect ratio, the name of God, an infecting uncertainty equation and a virulent meme...
Yeah. Say the wrong casual sentence, that unwittedly matches some universal constant at the same time, and your world goes wild around you...
Take care Nilly.
Plei, nope, never discussed. But the social inference - his family names being extremely not Jewish, the very patrician upbringing, the family home among the moneyed WASPs - his family never came off as Jewish.
The fact that Duchovny played him the way he did? One of those superb dichotomies that had me never missing the show for the first four or five seasons.
Bye, Nilly - come back soon, damnit.
I should start investing in X-Files DVDs, there are so many really, really good eps. FX doesn't show it as often or at the times I like.
I. Do. Not. Need another. Fandom. I mean, I was a fan of the X-files before, but casually, not the sort that would look up Scully's birthdate and junk, you know. I can't afford to have hopeless, cancelled series love again. And, yeah, I know about the Munchkin and the Lone Gunmen(made no sense when I saw it, hardly knew him then...youth is wasted on the young.)
Arial is very much not a Jewish girl's name
I once knew a convert to Judaism who was very proud of naming her daughter Ariel because (as she reminded everyone about 5000 times) it meant "lion(ess) of god."
She'd kill you for telling us that. ;-)
And I have not much more to add to the discussion beyond that I love the Song of Songs.
Wise move, erika. I've got unfinished X-fic in a separate directory, and I try to stay out of there, because why rip up an already broken heart?
A member of my writers group wrote some of the funniest, coolest, most outrageous West Wing slash in history....
No fair teasing, Deb. Got a link?
(Not that I know who anyone on WW is except the president, Rob Lowe, and CJ, but still.)