Now want Anita Blake to meet Vamp!Munchkin, just so he can sneer through her "ardor" thing. And because it's wrong. And it would really mess with LKH...not that she's watching, but she hates the fic. Connie, probably. But he'd probably hate that I announced it to a "room" full of women. :)
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Well, the rules are always changing and flexible. For instance, stakes used to have to be made out of mountain ash, the same wood that the cross was made out of. So it was the mountain ash, Christ symobolgy, that was important. Now that is just any old no 2 pencil will do.
Nilly, if you are here, what is the symbology of the Star of David?
Now I think I'm going to have a certain vamp that will be showing up complaining of how standards have fallen.
Hee. It also used to be said that if you wanted to make sure that the dead would not rise to be a vampire, you needed to place a wild rose on the body.
From the crown of thorns, etc.,
Chop off the head, turn it so it's facing down--or just bury them face down, so they got lost trying to dig their way out.
First time I'm in this thread, so hello lovely people! CaBil asked me to come by.
what is the symbology of the Star of David?
Here's the thing - unless you're talking kabbalah or Zionism, it doesn't really have one. Even though its Hebrew name translates word-for-word to English as "the shield of David", and from what I get the assumption is that it was somehow related to King David from the bible, it didn't have any protecting properties (like, say, the cross from vampires). I don't really know anything about kabbalah, but I've heard once that marking a star of David in the air is supposed to have spiritual protective properties - but I'm really a complete ignorant when it comes to that.
It appears in a lot of Jewish art, like, say, the menorah (which was once set in the Temple). Of course, it's also now heavily connected to Zionism, being on the flag of Israel.
If you ask anything more specific, maybe I can look in deeper in that direction?
CaBil, my question on the utility of the cross before this alleged covenant thing - there were people before Christ, and cultures before Christ, and the mythology of more than one had some version of undead; after all, it's a universal theme.
Is the Christian concept that before Christ, there was no way to repel vampires? Because that's, well, no.
edit: NILLY! Hi sweetie! Would there be symbols of kabbala to ward off evil?
Hi, deb! It's so good to see a post from you.
Would there be symbols of kabbala to ward off evil?
I honestly don't know. I'm completely ignorant in these subjects. It's just through a friend of my mom's that I've heard about the factiod connected to the Star of David in the first place.
I'm thinking not...that ms. G. is right, and not cause she laughs at my jokes. This is (not so little) story's got people talking and linking stuff...what a trip.ETA: It could be that physically fighting off evil is rather a Christian preoccupation, rather like Catholics seeing Mary in stuff, but I've read about people fending off the evil eye and stuff...why not the Yellow Eye?
That's why I think Hamilton had her Jewish vampire hunters using talismans representing Torah, because the Star of David was (I believe) cultural, not spiritual.