Are people not reacting because they don't like *Charmed,* or because my writing sucks? Because if the latter, I would give cookies to anyone who gave me constructive criticism.
(Yes, I am needy. Extremely so. I'm also more proud of this story than of anything else I've written in quite a while, so if it sucks I'd like to know.)
I didn't say anything cause I just read it right now...unfortunately don't know Connor or Charmed well, but it still kept my attention.
erika, you are a doll, especially since my reaction to your entire ouevre has been "This seems really funny and well-written, but I don't know Homicide so I won't comment." Thank you.
Apologies for the insecurity attack.
Sorry, I read and then had to go deal with an Aidan evil.
I liked the story, except for the sex. I don't see slash as quickly as other people, I don't think, and two guys together who don't know one another, that light a connection... I dunno.. doesn't read as real. I'd either want at least one of them to have been shown to be curious about same-sex relationships previously, or turned on by the random weirdness of it, a little bit of a.. not quite abuser, but.. willing to take advantage. Maybe real is a little too much to ask.
The rest, I thought it was great. I liked the dialogue a lot -- really enjoyed Chris blurting out the fiancee. I don't watch Charmed, but I've seen one or two, enough to be able to place Chris, but that comment made him more three-dimensional.
This all may be my "who would want to shag HIM?" connor issues.
Damn, it really was the Best Show You're Not Watching. You could rent it, if you wanted.Writer's insecurity, I'm having it now, and it's NFG!I think I can only feel good about myself on alternate Thursdays.
Erika, you're brilliant! stop that.
sheesh. Someone needs to put you in a room with Vamp!Munch... then you can tell us if he comes across as really real.
I have no clue what I'm saying, except that I know I'm right about the brilliant part.
gonna go back to the babies that ate my brain.
Me and Vamp!Munchkin...there's a happy room. We could, however, supply enough sarcasm for the Four Corners area.
And then maybe he would eat me. Or drain my blood, whichever.
It's a rule..the powers that be have decided that right after I decide to send something out, I must decide I suck.
erikaj: are you sure those are TPTB? They sound a bit more like the SP.
Stupid People? Not even them...just Radio K-fucked, playing the greatest hits from my self-image demons.Why must they use a poor maiden so(although I doubt somebody who's paid as much attention to dick jokes as I have recently can claim much maiden-ness.)
LJ, I know Charmed better than I'd like other people to know I do, and I think you got both characters down pretty close to perfect. I'm with Deena a bit on the suddenness of the togetherness-getting, but otherwise your dialog and actions for Chris and Connor ring very true for me.