Oh. My. Goodness. I've been staying out of here until I watched Smile Time because I didn't want to be spoiled by Anne's story -- should have known I wouldn't. What a great story, Anne. I loved it.
Deb, loved the drabbles, all of them. The Tara one and the Spike one, especially.
Connie, great stories. You are a sick and twisted freak.
And now that that's out of my head, maybe I can focus on Angel. If I can keep him off Sesame Street, too.
You've got time... it was supposed to take awhile to wear off.
Oh, god, that's right, it could be Puppet!Angel... Thank heaven I'm at work or I'd be writing it now.
t crosses fingers and holds them up between self and Deena
Someone's gotta stake Elmo.
t puts fingers in ears to stop the singing, closes eyes to keep vision of Puppet!Angel vs Vamp!Elmo away
with Drusilla all sad because she finally found a doll who would talk back, and then bad daddy killed it. But daddy is a dolly!
t /ending torment as I have to go clean house