Damn.mine too.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Xander in pain. I shouldn't enjoy it so much.
You just described Bayliss-oost.Exactly.
I just did a couple of stories for a valentine's day ficathon. I seem to be all about the BDSM these days. Both are in my journal.
Pain Xander/Devon (of Dingoes Ate My Baby fame), NC-17, post Chosen. Song quotes in italics.
Don't Play Games With Me Lindsey/Darla, NC-17, Set a little after Redefinition and continuing through Epiphany, AtS, Season 2. Show quotes in italics.
Skipping to the end, studiously not looking at undoubtedly wonderful fic that will spoil me for Angel.
Same thing as Deena, but not so much BDSM. Supersynchronicity - Knox/Willow/Fred, rated - eh, R.
Those are three dam' fine fics, there. I'm a huge fan of watching the bit characters get centre stage, and get it properly.
What Deb said. Those three fics are excellent.
I fear I don't have the handle on Darla that you do, Deena.
I'm still trying to write my Homicide Queer Eye ep, but I'm stuck.
(Cause I dress about as well as Munch, I think)
At the Mall
CARSON, MUNCH, and KAY get out of the Fab Five-mobile.
CARSON: Are you going to be okay in here?
MUNCH: I guess. Why not? Just because I’m about to be co-opted by some Madison Avenue ideal, and one of my best friends in the world thinks it would be a good idea, what could be wrong with that?
CARSON(happy, a little oblivious): Well, ok, then. I was just wondering if you had some kind of light allergy or something. Explain the specs....although they do kind of give you an Elvis Costello/Lou Reed thing that I understand your generation to be rather attached to.
MUNCH: It helped us outcool the dinosaurs. The glasses stay, I was wearing them when you were just a twinkle of fairy dust in somebody’s eye. Ok, babe?
KAY: Aw, c’mon, Munchkin. Take ‘em off. I’ve worked with you four years and I’ve never seen your whole eyes.
MUNCH: In my fantasy, that sentence ends a lot differently.
CARSON: Me too. Usually it’s David Duchovny.
(KAY and CARSON share a moment.) MUNCH: Don’t let my massive identity crisis interfere with your kaffeeclatch, ladies.(takes off dark glasses): I never thought this would be a bad thing, but I feel naked. Naked and blind...I’m like a week-old puppy here.
MUNCH: In my fantasy, that sentence ends a lot differently.
CARSON: Me too. Usually it’s David Duchovny.
Oh, mercy, woman.