really want to write Gwendolyn Post/Xander.
He does like his women authoritative. I could see it.
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
really want to write Gwendolyn Post/Xander.
He does like his women authoritative. I could see it.
really want to write Gwendolyn Post/Xander.
He does like his women authoritative. I could see it.
I really just want to hurt Xander. Don't get me wrong; I love Xander. But I want to hurt him.
I love Xander. But I want to hurt him.
Some fic writer whose name I'm blanking on at the moment described Xander as the man with the hurt-me eyes.
ETA: Clearly this was before the last season of Buffy.
Right. Now it's the hurt-me eye.
Xander in pain. A happy place.
Steph, that was wonderful.
The last line was the best part. Deb, wrod, and also how he gets upset cause all her things are there, and it feels like she's coming back. And still, we feel for Vaughn(or I do, checks heart, still bleeding) I love L&O too, but they don't do that. OK, Schiff does, at the end. That was a Simon story, iirc. Maybe not the redballness, but the stick-up boy that didn't have the heart for it.
Simon likes humanising all his takes. As a writer and as a reader, that makes me love his ass.
He sets the bar so high, though. Damn him."The Corner" rules, too, have you read it? Made me want to dust off my journalism background. I knew there was more to it than inverted pyramid and Joe Sixpack. I also can't wait to distress some uptight family member with my new knowledge of the heroin trade, but that's just me. YMMV.
I really think I'm wasting my life. But at least some of you get the benefits. Munch POV
When I get back from Wolfram and Hart, it’s already morning, and I’m glad that I always sought out the dark corners, though hiding my face in my jacket for the last mile or so makes me feel like a schmuck.The Princess is asleep. It startles me that vampire sleep looks like death, although that evil little smile curving her mouth would keep me from getting the crime scene tape. I hide the money with my clothes, because laundry is too pedestrian a concern for Her’s for the minions(or me).
I’m relieved that Dru is off in her room chattering away to that damn doll. Since I’ve gotten away with sleeping with her, I hardly want to. And Miss Edith was always a turnoff anyway. And then, when I had Dru impersonate Kay, and she did it willingly, just because I asked(and let’s be honest, cause she doesn’t know which end is up) it wasn’t hot like I expected. I needed to believe she’d hate me if she knew what was on my mind...that she was torn between contempt and lust...sometimes you just need to feel something familiar, you know? It wasn’t was the sin I wanted, even if I didn’t believe in it.
Darla must have heard me come in, she’s already standing up.(Vampires wake so suddenly, it “freaks my shit out’ to use your generations charming vernacular. No yawning, no bleariness, strictly on or off. I know this will stun you, but I’ve never been a morning person. I look at her like I’ve never seen her, this vision in the tawny silky thing, and I wonder how I could’ve ever cooled to her, much less agreed to be a double agent.
I am convinced that her fangs met my neck in the bite of destiny.Bite of destiny? God, it really is early.
I should have known, of course. I’m never more in love with a woman than when we’re about at the end.”One last time’ is always the best time I ever have...why do you think Felicia and I broke up four times. If we could have broken up about three times a week for a year, it could’ve been the happiest I could ever be. Kay says I’m a glutton for punishment, which thought brings images of my friend with a crop, which I brush away by looking concerned.
“Babe, Princess, what are you doing up? Was I too loud, darling?”
“John? Did you just get in?”
It’s funny...the more names I have for her, the fewer she uses for me. Dru calls me Munchkin cause she picked it up on one of her vision quests. It added to my little illusion so I encouraged it.
“I smell money,” she said, wrinkling that little nose that disappeared as she did it, which always charms me disproportionately.
“Money and orchids.”
I felt like she caught me fucking Lilah, and I felt that familiar “Oh, shit,” thrill along my spine. Even though I’m innocent. Innocent like Sammy the Bull went straight. God, I missed it.
And my traitorous non-beating heart is filled with love again.
”Just a little score, babe. Nothing much. You should be resting. Unless you don’t feel like it...”