Intriguing, but I doubt I'll have time for it. My fics take too'd be "Gwendolyn Who?" before I finished.
'Hell Bound'
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Oh, MY, Steph. Now that's going to percolate...
Heh. I just want to see Xander hurt a little.
I just want to see Xander hurt a little
Patience, Teppy, patience . . .
Magpie (Piedmargaret on LJ), has a little drabble challenge going on at the moment.
My entry:
The Younger Summers Sister
Sometimes, Dawn resents that Buffy has more memories of Mom than she does. Buffy will always have more memories of Mom, because Buffy's older, just like Buffy will always be the reason her teachers expect her to start cutting classes or starting fights, just because her last name is Summers and they've heard of her sister.
All the teachers have heard of her sister. It's never anything good. Sometimes she wants to scream, "I'm the younger Summers sister, the good one, remember?" She was, until the year Mom died. Except that she wasn't. She wasn't real.
Dawn resents that, too.
Here's's ok, not great.
The One Handed Lawyer He’s always the one-handed lawyer. Even if he has the best prosthesis evil money can buy, the story always gets out, and then people become fascinated with his left arm, like he has some hook under there like in some campfire story. He also billed more hours this year than the incomparable Lilah Morgan, but people never ask about that. Even his rise from a town most people in LA don’t even fly over is not as interesting as what happened to his arm, not what actually happened, just the mere fact of leaving a part of himself somewhere.
So addictive...
The Dark Slayer
It's weird, being one of many, not one of two. Five years, she's been the bad Slayer, the dark Slayer, the other Slayer. The one that's not Buffy, the one with blood on her hands. Evil, that's what Angel said Wes called her.
There's blood all over her now. Her blood, B's blood, Robin's and Kennedy's and Rona's, all over her hands and shirt. Hellmouth's history, so's prison. Maybe she's the one on the left, or the one handing out bandages, but she sure as hell ain't what she was.
Maybe she's just Faith. She likes the sound of that.
Ooooh! oooohooh! I like those. I like the concept. Here's mine:
The Shy Witch
It's ridiculous.
Willow stands there. She stares into the mirror and she makes noises like a bad 12-step in reverse, like one of those EST seminar things her mother doesn't like talking about. She pumps herself up: I am strong, I am powerful, I am the Channel of all that is Gaia, I can do this. Sometimes, for a few minutes, she actually believes it.
And yet, when the moment comes, it's the leggy girl with the tongue stud and the attitude who makes the first move. And Willow looks into a different kind of mirror, and sees herself there.
I killed the thread. Ah well - here's a drabble for the regular Open on Sunday 100. Theme is crossovers. This one is Buffy/CSI.
"So, how was it?"
"Nasty." Dawn dropped her bag on the floor. The view from the 26th floor of the Bellagio was almost enough to bleach out the memory of what she'd just watched, but not quite. The smell was still with her. "I don't think I can do this."
Buffy grinned. "You mean that Grissom guy managed to gross you out? The bugs and stuff? You were the one who wanted to check into forensic pathology as a career."
Dawn remembered the eviscerated corpse, Grissom and Sidle enthusiastically looking at maggots, and shuddered. "Yeah, well, I changed my mind."
One more, for the Open On Sunday crossover challenge.
I aint saying nothin'.
"What is it?"
"I'm not sure." Willow held the thing in her hands, turning it over, trying to make sense of it. It was a smooth stone oval, with an irregular section missing from one side. "It's magic, I know that much. Why does it look so familiar?"
"Huh." Beside her, Xander peered with his one eye. "It looks - oh! Got it! Total Homer Simpson." He reached out and touched it, grinning. "It's a donut."
He produced his best Homer voice. "D'oh!"
"Oh, my goddess." Her eyes widened as he began to shimmer. "Xander! No! 'D'oh' activates the spell!"
I don't have to do that whole life in fandom is a crossover challenge.