I'm stuck...from whom should Kay receive the vampire spiel? Lorne owes her some advice that she didn't collect. It would be more Angel-like to hear it from Wesley with his books and all. But it would be more like H:LOTS for Vamp!Munch and Kay to sit and talk on some roof someplace.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
How's about she ends up on the roof of the Hyperion, Lorne brings her a seabreeze and some chatty "it's the way it is, precious", and then leaves her alone to think, and Munch shows up? I like it.
What Deena said, definitely.
Hmm...that could happen. And, you know, more stupid jokes. Cause even being undead couldn't stop that.You know, how he always thought when they went to a hotel together, they'd see the inside.Then, she'll sigh and tell him to take things seriously for once in his life.
Yay! I'm so excited.
There could be a dream sequence...usually I hate those, but this is more gothic than any story I've written...it could call for one.
Does anyone remember the Vamp!Xander thing that had no ending? It still has no ending, but it has a beginning:
Bargaining, Again
Setting: Late S7, around “First Date.”
Part I
He wished even as he died that he had a better story – but the truth is, Xander Harris became a vampire because he trusted the wrong girl. Again. She looked so harmless, a waif with short auburn hair in a pink slip dress, Doc Martens and heavy-framed glasses, waggling her fingers in a half-wave as she slipped onto the bar stool beside him.
“Do I know you?” he asked.
She shook her head. “Nah, this is my first night in Sunnydale. You just looked like a friendlier face than the rest of these-” she gestured around the room, a converted 1930’s diner that where most of the other clients were men with rough hands who pounded the table when they wanted more beer. Xander had started going after work with friends, but he often stayed long after they had made their excuses and headed back to wives and girlfriends and children and lives that did not include up-close-and-personal relationships with the demonic. The men who stayed as late as he did had graying skin and stared at their beer or the sports games on the TV above the bar, but barely looked at each other. “-these characters,” she finished, smiling.
“Thanks for the praise, though the competition isn’t exactly hard to beat. I’m Xander.”
She held out her hand for him to shake. “Louisa.”
“Louisa,” he repeated, tasting her name. There was something familiar about her eyes… “So, what brings you to the ‘Dale?”
She shook her head, waved her hand. This and that, she said. It wasn’t important. She asked him about himself; he bought her a drink. She bought him another drink, licked her lips, said she was new in town. A hand on the leg, a compliment (“You have really pretty eyes,” she said, fingers lightly grazing his thigh) and he was flattered, off-balance.
Pouting over the rim of her rum and coke, she asked him if he knew of a quiet place where she could crash. Said she was low on funds, wouldn’t get paid until tomorrow.
What could he do but ask her to crash at his place?
Louisa devoured him with kisses after they got into his car, taillights blinking and engine running and oh her mouth is so warm and dry, not sloppy-moist like Anya’s … and he doesn’t realize she isn’t breathing until the nibbling on his neck turns into a piercing pain and ow and ow and he thrashes, tries to shove her off, kick her away, but the beers are slowing his reflexes and she has him pinned, firm hands holding him to the seat and he. Is. Dying.
But she pulled back for a second, pricked an index finger on her incisor, shoved it into his mouth. “I must have the slayer’s boy for my pet,” she muttered as he fed.
There is just enough of Xander left for him to shove her into the gear shift. His sire explodes into dust as he slumps over, dead.
He woke up to the loud beeping and flashing lights of a tow truck. Thought he had a hangover, that he had a weird dream; knew that wasn’t it when his hands came away from his neck wet with blood, has his suspicions confirmed when he has to scramble away from the sun through his windshield.
He spent his first day as a vampire cowered under a blanket in the back seat of his car. “Wuss,” he thought as he fell back asleep.
He woke again as the sun set, crawled out of the car, fed on the parking lot guard just for practice. His new face felt strange, tight; he experimentally shifted back and forth.
And then he smiled. Time to find a new playmate.
Next up: vamping Dawn.
wow, sexy. I need a beta who gets the whole "Homicide" thing. I've written some stuff, but I'm not sure if I wanna keep it in. Um, so to speak.
LJ, this is looking very tasty.
erika, e me with it.
OK, I just didn't want to force you into it. I know you do other things. Insent in a minute, then.