Deena, believe it or not...that was hard. Because my natural inclination is to say what's on my mind. Duh. And when it comes to what's emotional, that's not theirs. It was hard to hold back.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
And I've heard more than I should about Paolo and Vincenzo's salamis, huh?
Goddamnit. Choking on my red beans and rice over here.
And if you're not careful, girly-internet wife-o-mine (and Kat's!), you'll wind up doing a whole series in which Kay leaves the squad, moves to LA, and becomes AI's femme muscle.
shrift, sorry about the frustration. Not being able to respond sucks bigtime.
Could happen...maybe in a while, instead of that Fugitive bullshit. Oh, I can't believe I missed this? Kay's dad's name? Wesley.
Kay's dad's name? Wesley.
DUDESSE! That's it, she has to fight Big Bads with Wes. And she and the Fredlet will circle round each other, until Kay gets that Fredlet is totally brilliant and Fredlet gets that Kay really doesn't have a soft heart under that professional exterior, so she'd best not fuck with her.
Yeah, maybe instead of the cruddy Fugitive assignment, she'll quit. Cause that was frickin' insulting, huh? And one or two of the guys could come see her or something, once in a while. Oh, great, just what I need, more intricate stories to suck my time.
(grinning evilly at erika)
It'll be a while...take the sting out of Howardless Homicide.
Heheheh. She could always go back to the squad after fighting some serious evil with Angel's crew. Can't you just see her with the Big Rubber Demon? "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT UGLY-ASSED THING?!?!?"
Plus, Kay would be a major help with the AI crew, because unlike them? She understands after emptying one clip into a demon that the gun thing probably aint gonna fly.
I could see her after, saying that the streets of Charm City felt a lot less scary."Give me a good dope murder, any day." And she knows how to dress for slime.
Kay Howard is the only television detective ever whom I would not only trust, but expect, to walk up to something like thre Big Rubber Demon, say something entirely realistic and exasperated, and then without thinking too much about the logistics, break the critter's arm.