I don't drink myself, except for champagne.
But Kay? Scotch, straight up.
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
I don't drink myself, except for champagne.
But Kay? Scotch, straight up.
Wesley's most definitely drinking Scotch. Oban, possibly. Me, I do not know from Kay, but she does seem to be a Scotch type as well.
(and Deb agrees with me, so it seems to be good.)
Only other thing I can raelly see Wes drinking would be a gimlet (gin with Rose's lime juice).
S2 Wesley actually drank many of the fruity drinks. Or beer. But certainly froo-froo drinks.
He'd probably be drinking a Bloody Mary.
He wasn't really a whisky man until S3.
Yes, I have charted the Alcohol Arc of Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, why do you ask?
I love the Plei.
Dude, up until late S4, I was irked at anything that defaulted to scotch for Wes, because it went against what we'd seen him drinking. It was fanon lifted more from Giles than from Wesley.
Whisky (or brown alcohol of some sort) became canon in Slouching, but before that, the closest we'd seen was the boilermaker incident.
He didn't hand something brown to Gunn in The Price, he handed something white. I suspect gin or vodka.
Yes, I have charted the Alcohol Arc of Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, why do you ask?
I t heart Plei.
Plei, I honestly think someone dropped the ball on that one, in the writing assignment of which drink to give him. Then again, he's sleek and I see sleek sons of Empire drinking gimlets: Gilbeys and Rose's lime. So I may be projecting.
But Kay Howard, trust me, is a Scotch woman, straight up. She would never ever ever drink anything frilly or froufrou. Beer to relax (I'm thinking dark Heineken) and Scotch for serious.
Plei, I honestly think someone dropped the ball on that one, in the writing assignment of which drink to give him.
Eh, nah. It makes a lot of character sense, if you think of him as someone who didn't drink anything harder than a good beer for most of his life, and wasn't about to start in with the Booze of His Father when he did hit the hard stuff. And you can track his character progression with it, because it maps hella well. (Prissy, fussy, fruity drinks gradually change to stronger, harder, more typically manly drinks.)
The first time we really see him *hitting* the hard stuff, he's with Cordy and Gunn, and they're randomly ordering drinks after Angel's fired them. The lighter, fluffier, less sure of himself Wesley would (and probably did) just pull an "I'll have what she's having" when Cordy ordered, as he's still growing into himself, and learning to trust his own opinions.
I don't see him as having had any serious solo benders after he came to LA until S3 (even torture only drove him to beer), at which point he starts adding the Booze of his Father to his beer, leading up to the point where, after a feud with Lilah, we see him drinking it solo for the first time.
Ok, thanks.(Honestly, I also think there are some people who would pick Scotch because they are ignorant of drinking and think that's "civilized'. Went through my head, I must confess, for that reason only. And I know chardonnay is rather the default for women on TV, but Kay is one of the guys! She doesn't drink that...I drink that...well, Zin is better, but she wouldn't drink that, either.)