Another one I could see Kay doing? And do not, for heaven's sake, ask me why it's so vivid in my head?
Marty Robbins' song, "El Paso". 'Down in the West Texas town of El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican giiiiiiiirl...'
'The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco'
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Another one I could see Kay doing? And do not, for heaven's sake, ask me why it's so vivid in my head?
Marty Robbins' song, "El Paso". 'Down in the West Texas town of El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican giiiiiiiirl...'
Well, she's got sort of a husky voice, and you know she wouldn't pick, you know, girly songsAnd Marty Robbins was like a favorite son of the suburb where I grew yeah, I know that one.. And I think this conversation is an excellent illustration of why I'm a Woman Without A Fandom...I mess up everyone's toybox.
I don't know, sweetie. My toybox is completely intact - the whole point for me is how seamless you're making the crossover.
In some ways, they are not that different. Although even I have to admit, this is crazy, kind of. But it still doesn't stop me from wishing I were more of a poet so I could write "Once More With Killing" But I couldn't get that to work, ever.
I don't want to consider the idea of Pembleton bursting into song.
Because whereas I can see him as the demon? That's different.
Yeah...that wouldn't really work and would be almost incomprehensible to people Who Are Not Us...I am surprised at how well they fit, sometimes...well, same issues good/evil, mean streets, although vastly different perspectives on how that happens,I think all the cops worry about existing in some form they don't recognize, whether burned out alcoholic or vampire...I don't think it would matter much.
OK, that's one of - no, make that possibly the most - sane explanations for why Homicide cops and the Slayer contingent are soulmates.
What would Bayliss sing?
Are there others?Cause I'm thinking not.Because I love both deeply, but other people are more either "Cop Shows, Ew!" or "Fantasy? Give me a Break!" (And you know what side I stood on, once.)
I don't know...he's got a sentimental streak, though...remembering his grade school "gf".