If I said I wanted to run away with you, would your wife hold it against me?
I don't think so; she's giggling over here. She says that as long as you return me in one piece ("slightly ruffled is OK"), she's all good with it. I was chuckling in so many spots when I read the whole opus that she's now convinced she has to read it, even though her H:LOTS experience is limited.
(unbelievably charmed)
Unlike my ani-Munch, I feel a real impulse to protect the (dubious) sanctity of my 3 or 4-way ficcer marriage...but if we ever end up in a bar in Hong Kong, I, and my abiding interest in art and philosophy? Would be happy to let you ravish me.( how's that for an inside reference?)
Sigh...if all of the people(including me) whom I have talked to about H:LOTS watched while it was on, it could have been like L&O instead of "The Best Show You're Not Watching"...serves them right, not coming to me, like Merrick came to Buffy to explain my television writer's birthright.
Thanks for the comments, everyone. It turns out sex scenes are kinda fun to write. Who knew?
Wrod...although I've been known to make myself sweat and giggle nervously at the exact same time.Approaching VampLove very cautiously...part of me still doesn't want to be that kind of girl.
Second drabble, same theme (creation).
There is a dark place where there should be none.
It sits, a microscopic nodule of quiescence atop a healthy-looking bit of tissue. A picture taken of it would show a pinpoint of uncertainty, a shadowy patch that only an eye trained in the mysteries of such things might read. It doesn't seem enough to cause the sudden searing headaches; certainly it's too small to kill.
And yet, without movement and without growth, it can do both things.
Joyce, not knowing what else had come into being when her second daughter was made, winces and sways, and reaches for aspirin.
Wow, that's powerful, Deb. I thought the same thing when I saw my mother's breast films. That it was a really tiny spot.
Having recently had the experience of lying there and watching the sonogram or whatever it's called of the breast mass? And having been there with cervical?
I know the feeling. Sorry if I raised anything too bad in the memories department, though. It's just that I have certain deep sympathies with Joyce.
No, not at all...it's been a few years now. Well, two. next month.
erika, e me with your snailmail addy, OK? I have something to send you.
(joining erika and deb in the "It's so tiny. How the fuck --" corner)