Yep. It was Bernard. Whatta dick...although being Munchkin's sibling, probably kind of a trial, actually.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
It probably made a big splash at Temple Beth Whatever...his "resurrection".(Not that he cared. He never gave a damn about that stuff anyway. Just a ghost story people told in the dark as far as he was might as well wonder what happened to the light in the fridge with the door closed. He's seen too many corpses tossed aside like meat to worry about soul. ) But Bernie would do all of the surface right things, in between acting like the Sam Walton of coffins.
"Do you think he saw, baby?" he asked Darla. "I'd love to take him down with me, via a nice heart attack. He always said I'd be the death of him."
Darla's already tired of his questions...the way he prods her in the middle of the day to say "I can see fucking everything...even without my's like everything acid was supposed to be and more. And my God, it's like a veil's been lifted. If I concentrate really hard, I could read your mind." It's so tiring when humans get cosmic, like two-year-olds banging on pots. And he's always so proud...they all are. Now she remembers why she was glad when the 60s ended."We try to do these things when humans are not around, darling." she says patiently. Vampire hours are like Homicide hours, he thinks.He still puts the glasses on whenever he gets up, but he is not sure why.
It's so tiring when humans get cosmic, like two-year-olds banging on pots.
What a lovely line! Erika, you're rocking my world, again.
Thanks. Always nice to hear.
Shrift, insent.
Thanks! I got it. Just thought I'd let you know. I've finished two stories recently and can't be arsed to edit them right now.
Maybe it's the turkey.
It's so tiring when humans get cosmic, like two-year-olds banging on pots.
Deena beat me to it. Mine was a gurgle of laughter, though. know he'd be the most tiring fledgling, evah...cause, with the theories, and kvetching, and so forth...and just the talking, talking, talking.
I can just see Darla getting him to take down a local Republican congressman and licking the remaining blood off his lips. To John? Total erotica.
giggle.(blush) That picture was just too easy to summon...I'm becoming quite disturbed.