Really? Identity issues much? If I ever write anything fic-worthy, y'all, especially can fic the crap out of it...even if it's stuff I don't like? Hello? Compliment. Sign of deep...obsessive, maybe, love. David Chase lets people do it, and he hates everything. Speaking of, I wrote something, and now I'm not sure I wanna claim it.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
I wrote something, and now I'm not sure I wanna claim it.
I know the feeling. Is it morally/philosophically upsetting or just revealing of kinks you're not sure you want other people to know about?
You know, I'm not sure...cause I've written other things with more skin. And I do that "it's mine=it's nothing" thing a maybe just more of the same.
And I do that "it's mine=it's nothing" thing a lot
The internet cured me of that. I mean, Amy's my sister, so of course she loved my stuff, then I put some fic up before strangers, with much cringing and digging of psychic bomb shelters.
And, lo, it was well received.
Now I've got a website and a Yahoo update group and I narcissistically (sp?) save every piece of feedback I get in a special folder so I can leaf through them and cackle in a self-agrandizing manner.
erika, if it's the piece I read, I'm happy about it. Because it has My Girl in there. And also because it's my two favourite shows crossed overing.
And anyway - love the way it's written, damnit.
I'm not a good judge, so I left it to you all by leaving it in my lj. (And cut and paste worked brilliantly this time...I've been, well, no need to tell about my embarrassing low-tech "process") [link]
I'll try to sneak in a read today, Erika, but it's crazy at work today and there are Kids at work.
Connie, I am eating a warm, glazed KK donut right now, and thinking of you! (Wow -- that's so porny. FUN!)
And who bans people from using their stuff? It's not like they're making a profit off's like banning parodies. They are humorless jerks.
Wrod. Who never learned to take a compliment gracefully. Cause people fic what they love, man.
Erika, where on the main page is the list of banning authors? I'm curious (and convinced LKH banned people from using her characters because 12 year old virgins write better than she does...)
and convinced LKH banned people from using her characters because 12 year old virgins write better than she does...
If they had hands with which to grip a pen, amoebas could write better than LKH.