Copied from my post in Angel:
A small stage highlights a room at Caritas III, opened in the old ballroom at the Hyperion.
Lorne sighs, and relaxes, finally. There are two empty Sea Breeze glasses on the table. He raises a third to his lips and slowly sips. He sets it down.
Turning to his right, across the table, he Speaks to Angel. "Thanks sugarcakes, this is perfect. Just the place i needed to relax after a day at Wolfram and Hart."
"No problem, Lorne," replies Angel. "I can't believe we didn't think of this earlier. But I have to go. If you have any problems, let me know. I need to go corall Spike. He took the Viper again." Angel gets up to leave, and Lorne waves goodbye with his Sea Breeze and waits for the first performer onstage.
As Angel makes his way to the door, a short muscular man in plain blue jeans, white tshirt and cowboy boots takes the stage behind him. The man carries a guitar, and his bare arms are covered with strange markings and runes.
He adjusts the microphone and begins playing the guitar. Just as Angel reaches the door, he hears the song.
"If I had a hammer..."
Hm, I think Daniel's been waiting to post that . . .
Actually, the idea of making Caritas III in the ballroom was old, the song and Lindsay? new.
Coulter gets hers, here, but ignore the part where it says it's the end...I haven't posted everything yet.
I think this is it, but suggestions welcome:
Thanks to everyone who hung in with me with this forty pages of stuff. You've been a great audience.
I feel bad about losing track of Frank Pembleton. And not resolving Tim/Willow.Maybe one day I'll be like....Anna, is it? That wrote a whole season.
Tim/Willow can be a whole other fic. Hell, you can do an entire series of short fics: Tim, being tortured with the various lovelies (of whatever gender you think will suit, since Tim in the final season came out as firmly bi), in a line of short fic.
I would read those. And read those. And then I would read those....
And it sounds like think about them in the shower... I could do that.
I'm thinking about getting Tim and Faith together again...fitting him in to the whole Five by Five/Sanctuary thing somewhere, but he'd go out of town...I'd miss the squadroom chitchat, cause you know I live for that. But, you know, Pretty, Wrong, Sex, with A wrong, but he can't stay away. And he feels responsible for...who knows? But it's Timmy, there'll be that way he's like Angel.