Some demon fighting (and lame squad gossip) at [link] (looks bad right now, but hey, cliffhanger.)
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Dang. I keep peeking back in hoping there's more Hermanos story and it's still not here.
I'll work on that patience thing.
Sorry 'bout that. It has been a busy day. If all goes well, I'll get some more writing time tonight (once I get a good look at that lunar eclipse).
I'm quite chuffed and a wee bit embarrassed by the positive feedback. There's part of me that's all whee!! and part of me that is waiting to be found out as a fraud. Does anyone else ever feel that way?
Anne, this is lovely. More more more!
Anne, oh yes, about the 'they must mean somebody else' feeling.
I love it, Anne. I'm tempted to start watching the bloody show so I can get the deal on these characters.
Only every day...that's my OTP, so far.Whee/fraud I mean.
There's part of me that's all whee!! and part of me that is waiting to be found out as a fraud. Does anyone else ever feel that way?
t giggle, snort
You mean the "stop while you're ahead, you've got better things to do wtih the next year of your life than start another multi-part novel length thing, even if you have been planning it from the start. You'll never match what you did before, go out on top before they find out it's all been a very lovely fluke and they should really just ignore the man behind the curtain" thing?
No, not at all t tugging the curtain a little closer around the mystic control center and hoping the pyrotechnics distract them
I never feel like a fraud, not about writing. About other things, yes; at the moment, for instance, fraud-parenting looms large.
Not about writing, though. If a piece sucks, it sucks; so what? Write another.
To me, a fraud indicates dishonesty.
You'll never match what you did before
This. I know this well.
Glances at desk drawer of partially written stories....