Hey, I'm not going to post it here, don't worry.
You'd better.
'The Message'
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Hey, I'm not going to post it here, don't worry.
You'd better.
erika, I never used to think of myself as a miniaturist, but a writer buddy turned me on to flash fiction (500 words or less) and I just feel in love with it.
I really do love the drabble form. I love the constraint it imposes.
Second drabble. The quote's from S2/Episode 15. Phases, Oz werewolfing.
In the living room of the comfortable house on Revello Drive, the girl stands rigid.
The cushions on the sofa are still imprinted with the shape of her mother's thigh, her skull, a ghostly memory of her fingers. Buffy wonders if she'll ever be able to sit there again.
The mortuary people have taken Joyce away.
Buffy stands in a patch of warmth, shivering and desolate. Suppose I'd been here, she wonders, suppose I hadn't been out, suppose....
Giles knows her better than anyone else. Shaken, grieving, he touches her and tells her, you can't blame yourself for every death.
Really lovely drabbles this time, Deb, as usual. I very much like this theme though. It's nice and you've done nice things with it.
You'd better.
Hunh? Um. I'll post a link, then. t writes mental note
Te just broke me with Flash/Batman. I'm so glad she's in my special hell.
I'm so glad she's in my special hell.
Isn't it just wonderful? Mmmmm...
Isn't it just wonderful? Mmmmm...
Please, stop taunting and link. It's not *quite* my fandom, yet, but for Te's writing...
Yeah, Te is The Shit.(That's a good thing!)
Possibility by Te.
Please note that this link leads to Justice League slash (the animated series) of the NC-17 kind, and that it is, indeed, Batman/Flash. (Don't clicky if that's squicky, yo.)
t still amazed that people could be squicked by batslash