I put the rest of the scene in lj...nobody's gotten downtown, yet they're both gonna need some courting. Link momentarily.I'm such a Bayliss I thought I broke the board, cause everything's My Fault, right?(the line to get some of this forms on the right :)) [link]
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Ethan and Giles on the road to Shanghai, entitled "No Going Back", is up at Shriftweb ( [link] ff.net (they're not getting plugs, I'm just a completeness freak), and my website
( [link]
It's not much of anything, just a little drabble that was a response to something Seanee said in my LJ. Because we both *heart* The Cutting Edge.
"Toe pick!"
Faith pauses halfway through picking herself up off the ice. "Stop fucking saying that, B."
Buffy skates into a graceful spin, head thrown back, twirling so fast Faith can barely make out her edges. She comes out of it, skates over and extends a hand. Her face splits into one of those shit-eating grins she's been wearing since they hit Cleveland. "Just remember how the movie ends, Faith."
Faith can't help it. It's been best of the guilty pleasures night every night since they set up shop, and between Buffy, Willow, Andrew, and Xander, Faith's practically a one-Slayer Siskel and Ebert now. She takes Buffy's hand, holding it tight as she stands, leans over to whisper in Buffy's ear, "As you wish."
Then she skates off and waits for the fireworks.
Damn, Plei.
edit: BTW - one of my fave movies ever, as well. "These are FIGURE skates, pal."
More T/W at: [link] edited for dyslexia.
Does everybody use "Toe pick!"? It crops up fairly regularly in household conversation. As does, "As you wish."
No toe picks here. I'm not even sure what that's from!
Moira Kelly's character uses it to taunt D.B. Sweeney's character in The Cutting Edge when he (hockey player) is getting used to figure skates. Hockey skates don't have toe picks, so he keeps snagging his toes and falling. She, who has been on figure skates since she could walk, glides by him sitting on the ice and carols, "Toe pick!" repeatedly. He's a bootstrap character, she's a brat.
My single childhood ice-skating expedition was an emotional and physical meltdown, so I haven't tried since. (Although I learned to roller-skate as an adult.)
a meltdown on ice could be very traumatic. Especially if you don't swim.