Oh, Deb, I knew you'd like Munch's little Hallmark riff. But I didn't think there'd be COYM...oops.Yeah, Munch's selection criteria are not those of other men...I think he is the most likely Buffista in Spirit. And, wow, speechless? In a good way. I've appalled people speechless, but awe has never been something I inspired, except in that twitty "It's in A Wheelchair and Thinks and Everything!" way.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
(still without adequate voice for singing erika-HLOTS hosannas)
(leaving house momentarily, so will hopefully retain coherency by tonight)
Thanks. Not to worry, I'll be high for a week, now. Femininity and manicure be damned. (Unless of course, you have friends in television.) HighSchool! Tim is easy, cause I turned down a three-way once in college cause I was all "Where does everything *go*? Which the guy thought was terribly witty(which I embraced) but I wasn't kidding. Not in the slightest. He was cute...but he counted. And his numbers went to three figures. And he made the mistake of telling me when he was a boy his uncle fed him acid tabs in his Skittles.And "Oh, poor baby," didn't used to make me feel erotic...now I'd be in trouble. (It hasn't been a normal life, but there've been a few exciting moments.)And I've NEVER Told anyone that...and now I've told 300 of my closest friends...my god. And I loved the chance to give Munch my thoughts on Monica,nsm the mouth, that's his.
Erika, again with the dead-on voices. I just stand around on the street corner waiting for the next installment to hit the stands.
Nicole, I reread your piece. Your story's intriguing, your characters very close to canon, especially Cordy, you've got her perfectly. I agree with the critique you've been given here, it needs a bit of sanding and smoothing, otherwise, it's a fun read, and hot in the spots you meant it to be hot.
"Where does everything *go*?
I think it likely depends on the proportions of said gender sandwich....
Is there an accepted age/DOB for Dawn?
She was sixteen last year. I don't think we have a birthday though.
Whoa. Good question. I do know she gave her age during OMWF - "I'm just 15, it's kinda lame", IIRC - so could one extrapolate backward?
This week's Sunday 100 is music. Mine (I may do more) with apologies to Evanescence, Darla/Dru:
Bring Me To Life
She lay under cover of a night without a moon, her back against a bed of earth.
Above her, something feathered wheeled and dipped, a fabulous patch of dark against a darker background. Her eyes were open. She could see, she could hear. I am an embryo, she thought, a journey waiting to happen, waiting...
Drusilla, a Pygmalion in a cinch-waist and absurd shoes, whispering her name. Singing it. Crooning it.
"You were nothing, grandmother, daughter. I'm saving you from the dark."
A final step, begging, singing words to a song as yet unwritten:
Bring me to life.
erika, now I'm wishing that I watched Homicide.
Nicole, I reread your piece. Your story's intriguing, your characters very close to canon, especially Cordy, you've got her perfectly. I agree with the critique you've been given here, it needs a bit of sanding and smoothing, otherwise, it's a fun read, and hot in the spots you meant it to be hot.
Thank you. I'm still working on the smoothing of what I have since I'm stuck on how to begin the next portion. I trust that my muse shall return as soon as sanding is complete. Ok...trying to trust. sigh
deborah, I can not express enough how much the grace of your words mesmerize me.
Second musical drabble.
Someone to Watch Over Me
(Because the Gershwin boys are good for grieving): post "The Gift"
She'd sat there all day, alone until sunset.
Her sister's face was pale, a bit bruised from the fall, her body kept from putrefaction by the stasis of Willow's spell. She'd sat there all day, tearless, silent. If she opened her mouth, Dawn thought, there was a pretty good chance she'd start screaming and not be able to stop.
The crypt door creaked. "Shove over, niblet, will you?"
He sat beside her. After awhile, he began to sing under his breath, looking at Buffy. "Someone to watch over me....."
And Dawn, humming a song she'd never heard, began to sob.