Nah, that was an old one...I've seen it in tons of fandoms, though. But that was before I lowered myself to do more than read. I'm hoping at this point that the ;) is implied.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
it was what I remember slashgirl saying - a series of lists from a West Wing site. Am I remembering that wrong? I definitely could be.
I looked up the challenge message, and she does say the idea came from "tww100," which I totally read over because I had no idea what it meant, but it probably is the West Wing. The list itself is not from fandom at all.
I *like* the "write something based on one of these five billion ideas" challenges, cos I can't do the specific ones -- I can never think of an idea that fits. So I guess I'm the exact opposite of you in this way. I'm not at a point yet where I can reliably write 100 decent words for any situation, so I need some latitude to play around.
Agree that the point is moot, anyhow. I hope the challenge next week works for you.
Yes, tww100 is the drabble community for The West Wing.
I should try one, someday, but sheesh, talk about "How to say nothing in one hundred words." Somebody might finish their coffee.
But this presupposes that I know or care about Chewbacca's etc yada fishcakes. Or that I read comic books. And I don't. That's what I meant when I said they seemed aimed at a very specific lifestyle, or set of interests.
For me, it's enough to know that Chewbacca is a character from Star Wars, and that Andrew is Star Wars Geek Boy, but I think that's just a different writing approach.
The list of lists [link] has some really good ones, but my main issue with the challenge this week is that it wasn't drabble-inspiring for me. Things like "Profile of Two People Who Held My Jobs Before Me" would be a good New Slayer examination of Buffy and Faith, but would beg for more than 100 words, for example. "Featured Menu Items at the Existentialist's Café "? Angel fic.
"Some Reasons I've been Fired"? Wesley. "Items Discovered in Boxes of My Grandmother's Things" screams First Slayer. None of them scream Drabble.
Cerea: out of curiousity, how many of "Titles of Unwritten Essays Jotted down While Living in Prague in the 90s" were there?
I don't think the First Slayer's grandmother had boxes, truth to tell. Wasn't she basically pre-history?
I never made it as far as "Two People Who Held Jobs..." just because there were too many damned titles. I felt as if the person in charge was trying to get me to do their thing for them: I don't want to designate the topic, because the whole reason I write the things is as a self-disciplinary tool. If I'm also picking the topic, I don't get inspired, I just get resentful.
I don't think the First Slayer's grandmother had boxes, truth to tell. Wasn't she basically pre-history?
I was thinking more of the First Slayer as Buffy's spiritual grandmother, and the box/bag of random mystical stuff she got from Wood.
Hopefully, they'll get back to themes, or to a certain situation. Most improv/challenge lists I've been on go back and forth between those and title challenges.
I was thinking more of the First Slayer as Buffy's spiritual grandmother, and the box/bag of random mystical stuff she got from Wood.
Oh! Ohohohoh! Grandmother of tribe....yep. This I could totally see.
Things like "Profile of Two People Who Held My Jobs Before Me" would be a good New Slayer examination of Buffy and Faith, but would beg for more than 100 words, for example. "Featured Menu Items at the Existentialist's Café "? Angel fic.
"Some Reasons I've been Fired"? Wesley. "Items Discovered in Boxes of My Grandmother's Things" screams First Slayer.
Plei, I love your spicy brains.