Deb--I felt the same way you did about the sunday100. I dropped the community because I had been so busy on Sundays and hadn't written anything and my friends list was flooded. But I kept seeing these weird lists for the sunday100 and had to go see what was going on.
It looks like too many people took the theme too literally and ended up making random lists that didn't say anything.
I liked Lyra Jane's, you did lists but they told a story.
And glossing wrote a Connor/Wes drabble that was intense.
Kat--I read Scales over twice. The first time I just sat dumbstruck, I missed all the little clues becuase I didn't read it close enough. That's think I'll go back and read again.
Kat - I read twice also just to get a deeper feel for it and notice the clues as they were happening.
Love the last line!
Kat, that was so creepy and wonderful.
For the Due South Flashfiction challenge just a while back, we did Documentation, which produced some really wonderful efforts. It's amazing what you can do with a serially-amended shopping list, or the accident report for a car, or the case notes from a college counselor.
Thing is, Theo, I popped over to look at the "lists" in question, and they seemed designed almost totally to be for those under 30, or those with particular, oh hell, lifestyles.
I just can't get excited about "Names that can be used in the title of the song 'Yesterday'", or "Sidewalk Etiquite"(WTF is THAT all about?) or "Words Learned While Playing Dungeons and Dragons."
Lists may be cute, but a list isn't generally a theme, and these put me right off my stroke. One of the first ones I ever participated in was one of twilite's - "write a drabble using the following elements: a set of keys, a gun, three words" and that sucker produced some of the best drabbles I've ever seen, and I wrote one of my own personal favourites from it, about Wes chasing Lilah all over the country through a series of cheap motels, always one step behind. It was that theme that got me to join that community.
But if this week's is typical, I'm outta there. It's just not where I live, nor what I what I write drabbles for.
I haven't seen those... yeah, sounds like freshman HS English composition time....
I didn't like that when I got credit for it. Not that I have room to talk being as I barely stick my toes in the fandom wading pool.
I never found where the List of lists was, so I never saw what everyone was working off of. Although in glossing's lj she said it was from McSweeny's. (I think)
One of the list is "things my father and I never talk about" I think i saw one actual story from that and then another that was a just a list of things that Xander and his father never talked about it. There's also the Ten Dates never to forget or something, which I've only seen as a list of 10 dates based on airdates and what they mean and that's not a story and there are better ways to interpert the challenge.