I found "Council of Watchers" in Checkpoint and Revelations, through Mr. Pointy. Mr. Pointy only came up with 22 scripts with the word "council" at all (although "council" is used multiple times in many of those scripts. I agree "Council of Watchers" is less common, but I like it better. So there. :-P
See, I've obviously been hitting the Lethe's Bramble...
I didn't mean to imply they don't use Watcher's Council (which I do think ought to be Watchers'). I just meant they also use Council of...
Argh. I'm in over-splainy mode. Shutting up now.
I know what you mean, Cindy. But I have to claim a Faith-exemption.(Heh...I'm like the Church of Dirty Words.)
Watchers' Council makes sense. It belongs to a whole lot of them. Just one Watcher wouldn't have a Council.
Oh yeah, erika. Faith totally says "Fuck." Totally. I practically hear it on my TV.
She's not against a well placed, screw though, either, even though it's milder.
All of the characters would swear in certain circumstances. I haven't read a lot of fic, but there was one (not by a Buffista--I should have added that, before) I can't even remember, for all the swearing.
I could see how that could be, it's not Ellroy, for fuck's sake.(Although I think he's a nasty misogynist, so thank God. Another place for Kay and her gun...but I digress.)
I get the idea that Council of Watchers would be more or less interchangeable with Watcher's Council, sort of along the lines of the Defense Department vs. Department of Defense. The same person might even use both terms in the course of one conversation, depending on which term fit the flow of words better at the time.
Oh, bugger, I knew I should have checked in here before I posted the thing on all the boards I do such things on. Oh, well. Perfection is an affront to the gods, or some such thing.
Anyway, it's all up in one big file at my website
And thank you for the good words. I am rather pleased with the whole blessed thing.
edit: And the hanging quote is actually showing where a line got cut off. Buffy: "Where is Xander?"
I've always felt S.4 and onward Buffy was swallowing "shitshitshit!" everu second or third episode, but for some reason, that's damned near the only good solid swearword I associate with her.
Three drabbles, for those of you who aren't on Sunday100. The theme is that the title must be a list from McSweeney's site:
The Seven Stages of Drunk
Stage 1: Get bottle of whisky. Who needs Drusilla, anyhow?
Stage 2: Take several gulps. Weep. You need Drusilla.
Stage 3: Empty bottle; throw into wall. Drusilla was a fucking bitch.
Stage 4: Go buy more whisky. Feel glow of love towards liquor store clerk and patrons.
Stage 5: Start on second bottle. Remember something Drusilla said about naming all the stars. Giggle.
Stage 6: Drain second bottle halfway. Think about eating liquor store clerk; discover world swims annoyingly when you stand. Give up.
Stage 7: Finish second bottle, contemplate third. Decide to get it on the way to Sunnydale.
Frequently Asked Questions at the Office
The Summers-Giles Academy, 2006
- "Whose turn is it to supervise the practice patrol?"
- "Dawn, haven't we explained that you can't be a watcher until after college about 90 times?
- "Where's the Dustbuster? Another vamp got into the student lounge."
- "Willow, would you have any idea why our foyer keeps turning into a wildflower preserve?
- "Where the hell is Spike? Another student showed up in a lot of makeup and a miniskirt to "interview" him about being a vampire."
- "Where did Faith go? Another student showed up in leather pants to "interview" her about being a slayer."
- "Okay, who ordered pizza?"
Tossed, Hurled, Thrown
He had crashed into a floor of hot gravel with no idea of what had happened.
He remembered his courtyard, and a kiss. Buffy had kissed him. And then ... she had stabbed him? Why?
And then a whirlwind. The air was cinders on his skin, then ice cubes.
Then the crash.
He heard laughter mixed with screams. A voice greeted him, louder than the rest.
"Angelus," it said. "So nice to see you .. the party can't start without you!"
His memory took a while to return. When it did, his thoughts pained him more than any torture could.