It was pretty early, and the crew had been called down because of a water main busting loose on the site, so he had the day off. He figured he'd stop by the donut shop and grab a box, surprising Anya at work.
When he finally stepped out, he was inordinately pleased. They had chocolate crullers, with which he could surprise Anya. He started to hum, some random happy tune he must've heard on the radio this morning.
Then the electric guitar riffed in the background, and he started to do a little dance.
Xander couldn't dance. That didn't seem to stop him.
"Donuts!" he sang out, holding the box high above his head.
He proceeded to go into a fairly original adaptation of "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair" with the central theme being donuts. There was even a dance number.
Xander stopped in front of the Magic Shop door. He looked right, then left. Then up and down. Finally he shook his head and entered the building.
He gave Dawn rides to school every morning so she wouldn't have to ride the bus or walk, but he didn't have time to grab donuts before heading to work.
They didn't really do cram sessions that often now, and there was a new database online for demonology searches that speeded up their ident time in a major way.
More often than not, they'd all break to go home at the end of their day, when everything was finished, things were killed and disposed of.
The Summers' house was their meeting place more than anywhere, really, and there was always something stocked in the fridge, or Dawn would lobby for pizza.
Sometimes, though, Xander'd take his lunch break and eat donuts for an hour.