You've really captured Luke! Very nice
I second this wholeheartedly. Lovely, Dana.
I don't much like GG, but I do like that. I can't attest to veracity, obviously, but it's incredibly evocative.
And I want one.
Yay! Thanks, guys. I love it when a story sneak-attacks.
I keep thinking about how one might rewrite it as a long poem. With, like, three-line stanzas.
I am so obsessed.
What, my little thing?
You know what, if you want to play with it, you're welcome to.
It's like a Bitchfic remix.
Early query:
I'm halfway through the next to last bit of "Needfire". Should have it done by the weekend.
Any suckers, er, takers out there, to read it beginning to end when done, and beta for me?
Really? Neat. I'll do that.
t ed.