Make that Zip! like a bunny.
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
And backflung, because I always have a reply to betas.
Aha! Steph, I have a - shit, my brain is draining. What are those enormous - never mind, I remembered. Trebochet (which I am certain is misspelled). I have a trebochet.
Big giant medieval catapult.
Anyway, backflung from being backflung, again.
Trebuchet, I believe, without checking the spelling anywhere.
It's Trebuchet. It's my favourite font.
I was close....
Urk. I've just ficced. Gilmore Girls. That was unexpected.
If it here, will anyone read it?
I will.
I will, but it'll probably be useless, Dana, because I've never seen the show.
Question: I have two segments left of "Needfire", and one of them involves song lyrics (Pink Floyd). Is there a convention, legal or otherwise, about acknowledging use of song lyrics in a fic?
I have two segments left of "Needfire", and one of them involves song lyrics (Pink Floyd). Is there a convention, legal or otherwise, about acknowledging use of song lyrics in a fic?
One generally credits them in the author's notes or disclaimers of a story.