Hmmmmm. This one I'd have to give some thought to - the casting, she is not quite so easy, although physically, at least, that exquisite child who plays Hermione in the Harry Potter films would work for her as a teenager.
Young ASH? Oh my (fanning self.....)
Richard, that's a damned good question. He'd have to be tall, bony, thin-lipped and darkly contained, in his mid to late forties.
Terrance Stamp? Because he could be ASH's father.
Listen, though, you are not constrained by time nor space. You want to cast Cary Grant circa 1944? Go right ahead.
Basil Rathbone, c 1935 or so as Richard Giles? Or Rex Harrison....
I do like Terence Stamp. And he plays thin-lipped, don't-fuck-with-me superbly, although I don't think of him as that - constipated.
Brain draining with tired. I'll think more tomorrow, I'm purely keeling over.
Christopher Plummer as Richard? He does look-down-his-nose-at-an-insect very well. In fact, he and ASH share a lot of facial mannerisms.
Am -- I just watched an ep of M*A*S*H, which reminded me that Hawkeye often does a lot of punning. Many of them do, but he often starts it and others pun off of his initial pun. Might be something you could work in, somewhere.
scribbles note
There will be punning at some point. Let me convince Luke and Han that they don't want into the crossover too, which means writing them their own story. GVSP may have saved my life, but GJSP may yet kill me.
Am ignorning Elena's idea. It's too brain-stealingly good.
Blame connie, the rat in the kitchen, and connie.
Author’s Note: You’ve heard of L-space, Pratchett’s theory that has all libraries connecting, right? Well, now meet B-space, in which all basements connect.
Spike slumped into the corner by his Sire and sighed. “Rats for dinner again. Don’t you just hate them?”
“Rats these days aren’t as tasty as they used to be,” Angel said, darkly. “When I started eating rat full-time, they were big and juicy.”
“London’s town rats. I remember those.”
“I prefer dock ones. Slightly salty aftertaste.”
“That’s disgusting.”
“I deserved it.”
“Oh, not that again. Why do you have to do the guilty routine all the time? It’s getting boring.”
“Well, it’s your fault. I came down here for a good brood, and you just gatecrashed.”
“The gate had rusted through, Angel. Besides, I’ve got to get some brooding lessons from somewhere—they don’t just arrive with the soul, you know.”
“They don’t? I always thought mine did.”
“Nah. You’re just a ponce.”
“If you say so. Are you going to finish that rat, or not?”
Briefly, Spike considered the bedraggled lump of fur. “You want it?” Angel leant across to take the thing, but Spike grabbed his wrist. “Open your mouth.”
“Open. Your. Mouth. It’s simple.”
Angel gave the younger vampire one of his patented Funny Looks, and then complied. Almost delicately, Spike bent the corpse’s backbone so that the wound oozed nicely, and allowed the resulting blood to drip onto Angel’s waiting tongue.
Oooo! And I get double blame for it! I'll get that dinette set yet.
edit: And a nice delicate touch of HoYay as well.
Ooooooo. And euw. But mostly ooooo.
What deb said.
I love both the L-space and the B-space. I want to have a quantum back yard, so that all Bitches have backyards that intersect at some point and time and we can visit whenever we want.