Right. And Ethan has to show up. Right?
'Beneath You'
Buffista Fic: It Could Be Plot Bunnies
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
I actually discussed writing Ethan-Giles with Roz, briefly - she feels there's a canonically-approved story in there. But I really don't do slash well at all, so I'll let someone else write that bit (the Oxford years).
But Ethan will be there for the big finale, assuming I write it. Oh yes.
Excellent. You may proceed.
Yes, right now.
May I take a pee break first, please?
Seriously, I'll finish up Needfire (that ought to be done by the end of the week, no problem). I need to do a bit of work on Matty Groves, as well, what with writers group this Monday.
And I'd want to give some serious thought to the third story. There are twists and turns in that.
May I take a pee break first, please?
I'll take away your bucket.
Lucky for me I have an honest to goodness crossbow to hand....
You threaten me with that crossbow and the bucket is gone.
Threaten you?
I was threatening the bucket, damnit. ZINGO! one three-inch broadhead right through the side.
And that's going to be a really useful bucket after that. Just not thinking ahead, and I will not be lining the cage with newspapers, missy.
Hey, girly, you're the one who gets to mop the floor. Not me.