Cripes, but we've been a busy bunch!
<adores Plei>
It was decidedly non-earnest femslash! See!
Deena, I think I'll leave her less physics-sciencey until she gets, umm... excited, because my mental picture of Fred has her doing a Bob likes carrots, only Bob is science, and, umm, stuff.
Driveby, but it's really nice to see this thread active again.
Plei, I never thought about which comes first, but I do know that science = excited for Fred, so that works for me.
J'know, when Deb said "brains leaking," upthread there a little bit, I read the second word as lekking and wondered how Billytea had already corrupted her. Hmm, this may be an indication that I'm always thinking of lekking, one way or another.
Damn. That hurts.
Wrod. connie, that is very good. And painful. More! More!
I second that emotion.
Deb, I love it.
(People writing Peter Parker "got bit" is making me think of him as Oz.)
BTW, chatting with the divine Ms. Kaveny in my email. And Plei, hoping you don't mind, I told her about the Fred/Faith slash. And pointed her over here...
I should go back and insert my edits. (Seeing as I posted the rough draft...)
Or, alternately, just link to the final version, because I'm lazy.
Oh, and preen, Roz lurves Pensioner. She said so. She likes my "laying my own poetic thang on the Jossiverse."
I just read her chapter 2 and offered backup. If I am any good at all, she may not laugh at me.
Oh and Plei, I love Faith and Fred, an f/f that's also an F/F. Also hot.