Plei, LOVE the last line!
I was reminded of systems theory and tightly coupled systems being more prone to wind up, get all unstable, and explode, which is pretty much what I did, knocking the bottle off the bed in the process.
So VERY Fred!
Also, hotter than the SUN.
Let's see if Plei can get me to change my opinion of Fred.
BTW, I wasn't even aware that "spider-sense" had anything to do with Sipderman;
Huh. But all of us read it that way...
Thing is, deb,
else will automatically equate 'spider-sense' with Spiderman. And it might throw people out of the story.
Yeah, it caught at the corner of my conscious brain, and I couldn't help wondering about it.
Anyone here old enough to remember when Spiderman was introduced? Because I'm totally ignorant of comics.
Easy enough to change the phrase, certainly, but shit, I hate to. Because if you take the #%%$#$# pop culture reference out of it, it's precisely how she senses danger coming her way.
You're wrong, Teppy. It was the late 60s. I'll google.
I googled too quickly, Elena. 1962,
Amazing Fantasy
t /uber Spidey geek and future wife of Spider-Man
I should change that anyway, I suppose, since she certainly wouldn't be a Spiderman type (she's way more of a sitar type), and if everyone's going to make that association.....