"I'm Andrew. Hey, aren't you that guy who used to hang out in the library with Giles?"
I can hear this; I can
Andrew cock his head as he says 'Hey'. You've got his voice down. Especially the way you make this into questions? I really like that?
"You looked really good in that tux on prom night. Like Pierce Brosnan."
At this point I almost expect a comment about which Bond he liked best... Was he the Timothy Dalton Bond lover? Because that would be funny.
It was Wesley's turn to blush. This had to be revenge for something, perhaps everything.
Deena there's supposed to be an "and" between "starlight" and "citylight". I figured it was too early in the evening for the moon to be up yet, then I caught myself beginning to obsess again about what phase the moon might be in, then the phone rang and I didn't have to worry about it.
Edit: Oh, and I got a request to archive "Reflections" on the Buffy Guild's Giles site, ficbitch.com/wishicouldstay. I'm pleased.
Plei, you're breaking me. Damn but that's good Fred. Better than we usually get on the show. Dare I hope there's a taser in the future of this fic?
Plei, you give good mouth scenes, honey.
Got Fred's voice perfect, Plei. Faith's nearly as good, but Fred had more to do this bit. I have faith in your ability. Um. As it were.
Connie, I thought that was the case, either that or you were fuzzled between which word to use and then left them both in by accident.
I agree with Elena -- some play on the "which bond" question would be really great right there, maybe, if not the "my favorite bond" thing, an explanation that he means the brosnan bond rather than the dalton bond, since no chin dimple, or something. (insent, Elena, tiara pic!)
Plei, I've always thought Fred was kind of attractive when she's quiet, but, dang, she's a lot more attractive when you make her talk. I also never really liked Faith, honestly, but I like your Faith, too -- and she sounds right. I'm debating letting Greg read this. I'm betting he'll have trouble sleeping afterward *g*.
Deb, I've been thinking about Amanda (again!), Remember the first part you posted where you asked if it sounded too lyrical? I'm thinking she sounds the same age there as she does later, and she doesn't seem to make any mistakes, other than that she's always right and that can be annoying to those who are wrong. Even if she didn't really like her mother, she doesn't seem to miss her. Could she cry herself to sleep or whine a little, or ... something that makes her seem more vulnerable at the younger age? Also, maybe "too lyrical" isn't quite it, but, maybe less aware? or less able to describe what resonates for her? I've been reading this as all hindsight from an adult narrator perspective, but, I still think a touch of younger Amanda there might make it even better.
'course, with re: Plei, I'm wondering what Gunn's going to say.
edit: Slumbernut for my birthyear!
connie. More. Please.
I can't critique. It just is. As it should be, inevitable as breath. Except when it stops.
I can't critique. It just is. As it should be, inevitable as breath. Except when it stops.
Bev, if you don't quit it, they're gonna know I'm slipping you sawbucks under the table.