Dear Deb, you know him in and out, don't you. I could listen to his voice speak your words for a very long time.
And I envy, oh how I envy, the story that you spin.
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Dear Deb, you know him in and out, don't you. I could listen to his voice speak your words for a very long time.
And I envy, oh how I envy, the story that you spin.
I love Giles. My favourite character, with Buffy herself.
Elena, can available so I can run some ideas by you for my X/S story?
Yes. Do you want me on AIM?
Yes, if you can.
Gimme a mo'.
I got a rec over at Better Buffy Fic. A lovely rec
You have to love a Giles/Ethan story that contains two Potentials, a library, a set of lockpicks, an explosion, take-out curry, and lines like "There had been lies and prevarications between them since the day they'd met, but at times like this they'd allowed truth to show. It was no different now they were older, allegedly wiser, and much, much better at telling lies. "
Thank you, Debra Doyle
Debra is a particular friend of mine -- she writes the Mageworlds space opera books with her husband Jim Macdonald. ("It's all connected!")
Fay will be pleased that the curry is a point in the story's favor.
Connie, how cool is that?
Where is the Better Buffy Fic site, please? I want to go see.