Are you going to be evoking more of the post-war fifties era? There's a nice taste there already.
If that in any way implied that there could be a sequal, I am blind and deaf to the notion.
Edit: no, the second post satisfies that. Good.
Hum. You're then wanting me to take it out of the context in which I'm writing it ("Hey! Wouldn't it be cool in Hawkeye and BJ could actually be together without having Peg die or divorce him?") and turn it into more original fiction. Which would be good for me as a writer, I'm sure. But harder work.
I'll think about it.
I haven't thought about those characters for a long while, but you made me want to again.
In a fandom as small as M*A*S*H slash, that's quite an achivement.
t grins
I can't get that to make sense to me. It's early (I overslept and am still barely into first cup of coffee), so it's probably my brain not turned on yet. But - what does it mean, please?
It means I changed a sentence mid-stream, got distracted and never fixed it.
You're then wanting me to take it out of the context in which I'm writing it ("Hey! Wouldn't it be cool in Hawkeye and BJ could actually be together without having Peg die or divorce him?")
No, no, not necessarily; just that a few more paragraphs about her as a human being would completely bring her to life for me, and possibly make me wonder if she was a long-lost family member on my father's (American) side. That's why I wondered if this was a diary she was keeping, or a letter she was writing. if she's talking to someone, either another person in a letter or herself in a personal diary, that becomes very easy, as opposed to a narrator in the first person telling an audience.
Damn. That's incredibly muzzily phrased. More coffee, please.
So, umm... would anyone *mind* if I put a section that's insanely out of context up? I'm curious how it works for People Who Are Not Me.
It's a useful, indecsive noise. You're onto something intresting, but I think I'll have to give it some more thought. I thought that details like the sewing might help with that, but it could perhaps use some more. Part of the trouble is we-- viewers-- don't actually know a lot, so I'm into research about what would be normal at that time. Thinking needed.
would anyone *mind* if I put a section that's insanely out of context up?
I never mind when you post *anything.*